
Nothing will ever be as good as Deep Thoughts. That's all I've got to say.

I would say Simmons getting sucked into a different planet was enough of a trauma, her losing Will was just icing on a very sad cake.

I was pleasantly surprised that Ghost Rider was seen by Fitz and Mack already (thanks for saving my Fitz, Robbie ). But looking back, Agents of SHIELD rarely stretched huge secrets and mysteries over countless episodes, apart maybe from some in season 1.

I just watched Hunt For the Wilderpeople and cannot recommend it enough. Watch it. You won't regret it.

Bill Hader. Not only is he hilarious, but he's proven himself to be a very good and competent actor.

Goddammit, Bill, I did not want to see this….

My dream of getting to watch two Scotsmen work together is coming true! Amazing.

I think the first time I realised that AOS is not that bad was FZZT where we saw, for the first time, that both Elizabeth Henstridge and Iain de Caestecker are actually great actors.

Simmons: Special Advisor to the Director in Science & Technology.
Fitz: Or SADIST.

I would like to say that Fitz is somehow is getting more attractive each season and it's confusing my feelings.

I think it was a mistake to make Simmons seem like a bad guy again. I know a lot of the viewers struggled to like her character (her treatment of Inhumans and her behaviour in Fitz's early stages of recovery after his injury were kind of meh) and I don't see how this development is going to help make her character

I need to rewatch Chicken Run now.

What the hell is that thing on her head??? Seriously…

Wow, Agents of SHIELD putting the new season on Netflix this fast? That's some great thinking on Marvel's part.

I'd love to see this for the supporting cast but good God do I dislike Emma Watson. She might be pretty, but girl cannot act at all. (Also it might be because she seems really pretentious to me)

Thank you for your reviews, Alex. It was really nice to read about the show every week and actually agree with points made. We all know Agents of SHIELD has its weaknesses, but in the end it's a nice show with a lot of heart in it.

I'm looking forward to Fitz working with Radcliffe. Two Scotsmen working together? That's basically all of my dreams… I shouldn't say more.

Poor Fitz…

In this year of TV, where more women have died than in any other, it was nice to see that Agents of SHIELD didn't make the same mistake and instead killed two straight white guys.

Shotgun axe! Hive's true face! Daisy jumping/flying at the end! New director! More John Hannah (who's now Fitz's best friend… well, he thinks he's his best friend)! Fitz's invisible gun! Jemma being a badass! MAY NOT DYING! FITZSIMMONS NOT DYING!