I don't think Steve would appreciate it being called a tablet "pc" too much. They've set a precedent with other iOS devices, I'm willing to bet they'll stick to it. I mean, that single core A4 is going to be dog slow in another year.
I don't think Steve would appreciate it being called a tablet "pc" too much. They've set a precedent with other iOS devices, I'm willing to bet they'll stick to it. I mean, that single core A4 is going to be dog slow in another year.
Two years. iPhone 2g was supported for two years, the 3g was supported for just a hair under two years now. Funny that the normal upgrade cycle in the US for phones is two years, too...
But then how will you sell 10+ million units a year at 200% profit?
Well, it is being produced by Studio 4°C and they are an actual Japanese company that make anime.
I got that part, I was mostly making light of the idea in a sarcastic manner.
I don't see what could go wrong.
It'd be worth it.
That is one weak ass hill.
I don't think it'd be like a twig. Maybe like a... eh, two sausages where the casing hadn't been twisted closed properly because there was a spine in there.
I was hoping for a little more destruction. Probably just the plane in chunks, but I would have accepted a turbine blade snapping off somehow, too.
That looks like the future, but not one that I want anything to do with. No sir.
That's the problem. Apple is saying that the app has to sell the service that is available for purchase outside of the app store and they cannot tell the user that another option exists in the app. If they don't do that, they get locked out of the iOS ecosystem entirely.
I didn't take his comment as a complaint... Alternatively, I've said things very similar to that before, so my viewpoint may be skewed a bit.
See, what I'd do is add spires around the edge with rotating... mirror thingys that track the sun and shoot light down tubes into the lower floors. Mount the wind turbines on top of those, leaving more room in the courtyard. And step the courtyard down towards the middle. I just don't like the idea that you could…
Not in the old testament. Satan only got retconned into the scene in the book of revelation. Suspicious, that.
XXXIV for me, please. I like the ability to shoot down things in space.
The serpent wasn't Satan until the Book of Revelation. Really though, the serpent and Jesus are both agents of change, absolutely necessary for the plot of the book.
Look out, Nature is coming for you! Or your horses, anyway.
Damn, what horrible, horrible theaters are you going to? For serious, with the exception of drink costs, I've not had any of those problems... well, ever, now that I think about it. You need a classier joint to view movies in.
Wait... this is a real thing? Good on you for still being able to surprise me occasionally, internet.