LogicFail: Go Fuck a Tree 2020

Hand of the Incels?

I think the funniest thing about anyone complaining about how ranked choice voting (wooowoo scary and weird) subverted the will of the people is that she would have won under the other system.  Since she had the most votes in round one.  Didn’t get over 50 but... had more than either republican.  

The Hammer fortune is also derived from deals Armand Hammer and his father made with the Soviet Union in the days of Lenin and Stalin. The American tycoon villain of Marin Cruz Smith’s novel “Gorky Park” is allegedly based on Armand Hammer. 

I don’t deny that Jordan Peterson is a steaming bag of crap, but the title “King of Incels” is an EXTREMELY competitive category. Let’s not award it so lightly.

And of course Palin’s saying that ranked choice voting doesn’t work.

This isn’t on the airlines to solve - it’s on Apple.

It’s a file sharing feature that doesnt require you to give someone your phone number or email, just that you be close enough. It’s handy for sharing large files like video without compressing them all to hell like email/text.  There’s an airdrop menu submenu under general so you can change it to only accept from

This smacks of victim blaming. Okay, good for you that you are ahead of the curve on the problem. But think of all the older people, children and people with disabilities who don’t have the tech savvy to work it out themselves. It is a problem that the tech industry (including Apple) default to already opting into

True, although airlines could create a policy stating that anyone credibly believed to have done this will be met at their destination by local police. Airlines can’t fix the root cause but they can make the consequences very clear.

So, “Spirit, United, Delta, and Alaska Airlines didn’t immediately respond” somehow goes to airlines don’t seem to care at all.”

Even my TV asks first before any device connects to it over Bluetooth or similar service like Airplay, which would make me laugh whenever someone in a different property would try and connect to my TV.

This seems like a pretty huge flaw in iOS? Obviously nobody should be doing that, but why on earth does that feature even exist without having to like, match or have both ends click something? If it uses something like Bluetooth or NFC, I don't know what the airline can even do about it.

This seems like less of an “airline” thing, and more of a “why does this feature exist?” thing.

Given that this has been a problem for years I am baffled that they still haven’t given the option to disable previews for airdropped file attempts.

(Not that the failings on Apple’s side does anything to lessen the utter failure as a human being to do something like this in the first place)

In the grand scheme, RCV can be a tool to fight back against the increasing extremism that partisan primaries promote”

Alaska elected a (1) female native American Democrat (2) using ranked order voting (3) over Sarah Palin, Alaskan royalty? Great, just call them Woke Paradise from now on LOL.

This. Also, it would have bequeathed many of Bernie’s votes to Hillary, which could have meant 2016 didn’t start the age of unreason.

This is a really good day for us here in Alaska. Mary Peltola is a genuinely warm, funny, thoughtful, and smart human. We have a Trump Party Governor and actual nazis in our legislature - so, we really needed this. Thank you for making this story about Mary’s win rather than Palin’s loss. Yay, Representative Peltola!!!

This is a really positive sign. If the Democratic Party can win and possibly expand our majority (I am a member), we really have to swing for the fences and pass laws that will help Americans immediately. Medicare For All, a wealth tax that will help correct the present outrageous wealth balance that hadn’t been seen

I just got off the phone with our most recent ex-pres, and he confirmed that this election was stolen too. I asked him if he had any proof. “Palin is hotter. How could she lose?