LogicFail: Go Fuck a Tree 2020

To be fair, those folks don’t really need anyone else to amplify their stupid perspectives, do they? After all, they’ll use [insert literally anything] to accuse [insert literally anyone on the center-left] of being [insert literally insult or slander], with no justification whatsoever. They don’t care about nuclear

Quite right. It’s definitely interesting how newsrooms, both on TV and in print, love a bit of bothsides-ism, but only about certain issues, and those certain issues correspond extremely closely with typical centre-right white male viewpoints. It’s absolutely infects the whole of the US media, including the

“Objectivity” in modern American media means never asking a follow up question of conservatives while shouting down any inconvenient fact that challenges the broad status quo. It is why the supposed “Fact Checker” at a prestigious paper like the Washington Post can call factually true statements by Bernie Sanders

It’s also because, to a troubling degree, “fairness” has become more important in newsrooms than truth*. When I worked in newsrooms in the early aughts, one of the most frustrating things was how the higher-ups (editors and to a smaller degree publishers) frequently insisted upon including a perspective we knew to be

RWNJs have plenty of their own outlets on which to voice their stupid opinions, they shouldn’t be given more on the idiotic grounds of “both sides-ism”.  

That’s because newsrooms are still full of white men. As far as they’re concerned, pregnancy and abortion are women’s issues that do not affect them.

While other countries would seem at least slightly less ridiculous, COVID and rising right-wing nationalism has really called the roaches out of every corner. Even Canada isn’t “safe” any more.

I constantly fantasize about either (1) retiring to another country because even if there is a “blue wave” thanks to overturning Roe and the GQP’s shocking contempt for women, I’m kinda done with the apathy and spinelessness of the Dems, or (2) someone recognizing that this country needs a divorce and letting Montana

Conservatives are deliberately hurting themselves and are now open about “owning the libs” to the point that they’d gladly let themselves get maimed if it meant that someone else’s feelings or physical wellbeing was harmed.

there is kind of a depressing nihilism at the heart of this obnoxious “mah freedumbs!!” strain of conservatism. Normally I’d aggressively defend their right to kill or injure themselves or their children since it has no effect on me, but when I realized with their contrarian anti-mask bullshit during a pandemic that

sounds like something that would happen in my neighborhood in Maryland (AKA “Trumpistan”) where the locals breathlessly gossip in the local Patch every time someone’s home is broken into (I assume by the homeowner’s drug-seeking relative but it’s usually reported as an “urban youth” or some other dog whistle).  You

And, surprisingly, there will be no witnesses nor will anyone remember hearing gunshots.

The neighbors know that if they try to press charges, they’d be doxxed on every right-wing media source in the country.

Police ultimately declined to charge or arrest anyone and let the neighbors work it out themselves, according to the Post.

Tulsi is basically saying, everyone on Earth is the enemy except for Trump. Trump before America. The Cult.

#DarkBrandon strikes again

Yes, the entitlement an hypocrisy has always been there, but Trump and his nonstop lies really ratcheted it up to 11. He also totally normalized being a crying manbaby whenever he didn’t get his way.

This is that “privilege” they claim doesn’t exist.

The backbone of conservatism is a system of laws that apply others and not to themselves, of protections that apply to themselves and not to others. What the rest of us ‘regular folks’ call HYPOCRISY.