Suicide, homicide and domestic violence went down when unilateral divorce laws were instituted according to respected economists Betsey Stevenson and Justin Wolfers:
Suicide, homicide and domestic violence went down when unilateral divorce laws were instituted according to respected economists Betsey Stevenson and Justin Wolfers:
Do they not realize this would make even fewer non religious people get married?
I’d be good with that. I love my wife, but I would have been just as happy if we were just “living in sin” without the marriage thing.
These “moral” crusades are nothing more than an invasion of privacy from the party still laughingly claiming they are for “small government.” There’s no good Republican at this point, aside from a dead one or in jail.
“America shows a rising trend of right-wing influencers and Republican leaders and politicians”
So, ‘restoring’ marriage to the 80% of households range is the goal. Step one is overturn marriage equality to confirm the ‘sanctity’ of marriage. Step two is abolish no-fault divorce so that couples are trapped in their marriages. Step three, when marriage rates plummet as a totally predictable consequence of step 2,…
“Do you think society has gotten much better since the social and sexual revolutions of the 1960s? Or has it gotten a little bit worse? Are we in a period of ascendancy or a period of decline?”
They don’t care about non religious people. They want a religious state, and for the citizens to comply.
Yup. Sooner or later, these regressive assholes are coming for Loving too.
I get what marriage benefits for the country there may have been back in the day in terms of population increase, labor pool increase and economic increase via those methods, but in this day in age and moving forward I’m with you, there’s no justification for state-sponsoring of marriage, which in itself is a…
We wanted to be married but also we needed the health insurance coverage for my partner! If I could have added him without the marriage we probably would have waited to save a bit more - we weren’t in a rush. I don’t regret it at all but having to be married to share any of that is annoying.
Well, it’s cool for Clarence. It’s not cool for all those other progressive Commie interracial couples where the wife isn’t an anti-abortion fanatic.
I’ve had several friends, where them and their spouse both wanted a divorce but were too poor to get one. My husband helped one friend pay for his divorce. Divorce isn’t something most couples take lightly.
Just end government recognition of marriage altogether. There shouldn’t be laws governing religious services and I don’t even know that we need civil unions which are just proxies for traditional Judaeo-Christian marriage. Start by treating everyone as individuals for tax purposes. Allow for legal guardian ship of…
So here’s the thing. I contributed to the pool of community assets for those 5 years, while being lied to. She still gets the full benefit of that pool, but I had no say in the situation, no reason to exit it, until the admission of infidelity. Had I known, I would have exited. But the deceit was concealed from me for…
Why stop there? Let’s be honest, the true leading cause of divorce is marriage. Literally 100% of divorces are the result of marriages. So let’s just ban marriage. Then there will be no more broken homes or any bad things on this country.
I can’t help but notice that Loving v. Virginia is pretty much the only marriage law Thomas isn’t calling out in all his nonsense.
The incels and religious right—the unholiest of all unions.
I’m not for this at all. The option of divorce, like marriage, should be an unalienable right. If this does end up happening, it is sure to have inverse consequences. People will think more deeply about the concept of marriage (even more than they do now) and draw the conclusion that there’s nothing wrong with just…
If no-fault divorce was eliminated than almost nobody would get married. Back in their “good old days” society pretty much did not ALLOW an unmarried woman to support herself economically, let alone to pursue personal aspirations. It was either get a husband or face significant, permanent discrimination for being…