LogicFail: Go Fuck a Tree 2020

I'm thinking she meant "at least he didn't kill her."

Ehren Watada (granted, this was for an undergrad "legal history of Asian Americans" class, and it was more of an "independent study" project. I hearted that class so much).

Can you really blame them though? Ba'al is a pretty worship worthy motherfucker.

Can we PLEASE talk more about this kinky biblical sex that involves mistresses and stuff? I was under the impression that biblical sex was plain ol' missionary.

*replying to you so I don't accidentally approve rb1111*


And this is why I could never be an actress (well, this and not being ridiculously good looking). This level of awkwardness would just make my skin crawl . . .

Answer (spoiler, obviously): Very. There are rapes and near-rapes in every book, IIRC. Book 1 ends with a prolonged sadistic rape and the psychological fallout. Book 5 (or 6? I lost track) begins with the prolonged captivity and gang rape of a main character. In fact, through the course of the series, the majority

A tipster mentioned that Grande may have been lip syncing, but to me it just seems like she had backing tracks on the choruses to beef up her vocals, a pretty standard practice among basically everyone – even/especially divas.

Now playing

It's just as I have always suspected: cats are freaky as hell.

I wouldn't rely on that store for bras. They only recently started carrying G cups, and I think those are only sold online. And it sounds like you might be in that territory. Also, if I recall correctly, their bras run kind of small in the cups. I would suggest going to a Nordstrom, or a bra boutique to get a

"Dudes at the club always be like . . ."

I feel like this could be the beginning of a beautiful "MISANDRY" gif party.


9. those fucking cashews


You and me both.

*not at all relevant*