
My rating on the Kinsey scale is "Predominantly heterosexual, except when it comes to Jessica Lange." I can't tell if I want to be her, or make out with her. Maybe both?

My little brother will wax poetic about "Kenan & Kel" despite the fact that he's not African-American. Explain that, Klickstein!

Excuse the typos! I should really proofread before hitting publish.

As so-lapsed Catholic that I might as well call myself as an agnostic, one of the things I actually appreciate about Catholicism is their refusal to take the Bible literally.

I'm looking forward to a new OITNB character that is loosely based on this train wreck. Please, TV gods, make it happen!

Yup, you can apply for a SSN on a student visa. That's how I got mine before I even became a permanent resident.

He was a legal resident, not a citizen. You can have a SSN without being a citizen and you can do things like apply for loans, buy property, start businesses, etc. by simply being a resident. Citizenship grants you additional rights like voting, having a passport, NOT getting deported but, in terms of everyday life,

This is literally the description of my ideal roommate.

When I was in 2nd grade, there was a rumor going around that babies were made during "sexing." I decided to ask my 13 year-old sister who, at the time, was too-cool-for-school. She sighed, rolled her eyes, and told me that she simply could not believe I didn't know that's how babies were made. Like, duh, obviously.

I'm not a huge fan of horror for reasons that have nothing to do with being squeamish. I tend to find it either cheesy, forced, sometimes deeply misogynistic, etc. But I will read the crap out of their synopses on Wikipedia. I will never, ever, ever, watch Orphan but I for sure know the WTF twist at the end.

Good. Now I don't feel bad about hating this song and its cliche-ridden lyrics.

All I keep thinking is that those parents who believe their child's well-being trumps the common good are going to raise their little ones to believe that their own well-being trumps the common good...and, thus, the cycle of douchebaggery continues...

All the virtual hugs in the world. It's ok to mourn.

Ladies, I need survival stories about trial separations. Cause right now I'm feeling really, really sad. Hugs out there to all who are feeling like barely functioning adults.

As someone who admittedly called Clare "Crazy Eyes" during Juan Pablo's season, I agree that they manipulated the editing to make her look more insane than she actually is. She might be a tad desperate, but she's pretty honest and upfront about her relationship expectations which is more than can be expected from this

I always read Midweek Madness in the hopes that they'll have something on Bachelor/Bachelorette/Bachelor in Paradise/Bachelor Pad and all other iterations, and am sorely disappointed when it doesn't.

This has little to do with soccer and everything to do with xenophobia. What she's really talking about is her hatred toward immigrants. Andy by immigrants, she means Latinos. And by Latinos, she specifically means Mexicans.

Ok, I have to ask. Let me preface this by saying that I'm from a Latin American country (Peru), have lived in other Latin American countries, have family and friends that live/have lived in other Latin American countries and realize that the region is super diverse and almost impossible to pin down in terms of

Yesterday, one of the ladies put "free spirit" as her job. It immediately went on my Potential Future Careers list.

So before we start off with a lengthy discussion of Macho culture in Latin America, can we first consider the following facts: