
Thank you for putting into words what I couldn't adequately describe. I cringe every time I see these issues trying to be explained away by "culture." Of course, there are probably some cultural elements that influence it. Yes, as a Latina, I'm aware of machismo and Catholicism, but I honestly think people use those

I wish forces of nature could conspire to stop me from having to go to Thanksgiving with my husband's extended family. But, alas, they all live 40 minutes away. Please send help. I'll be the one hiding in a dark corner, getting hammered, and avoiding all conversation.

It is a slice of heaven in the fiery pit of hell that can be O'Hare.

Our statuses are simply too awesome to be automated...at least that's what I tell myself.

It crashes every time I try to open it. Fitting.

I keep telling people that I don't think my firstborn, when I have him/her, will live up to my bulldog.

I've recently noticed something incredibly unsettling about my work habits. I'm a freelancer as well as a writer, and I have to trick myself into being productive every single day while I'm at home. However, when I went to visit my parents, I was pulling 10 hour days with gusto. My current theory is that I can either

Yes, please!!!!! I've been living here for 2-and-a-half years, and still feel like the new kid in town. Can we be friends? Can we all be friends? Am I creeping you out with my enthusiasm?

Lol. Well, at least you're willing to Google it, which already speaks volumes. Trust me, too many people simply don't even bother.

It was definitely frustrating. I almost think they had hopes that I could fulfill their hunger for "authentic" portrayals of Latinos-but what they really meant was stereotypes. Once they realized I wasn't going to give them a caricature they tuned out any actual Latino insight (whatever that may mean) I could bring to

What's the name of your online sketch show, if you don't mind my asking? I'd love to support a show that's at least trying to address the straight-white-due problem. :)

Thank you! I have to admit, I only have an in-depth view of the beginning stages of a comedian's career. I was never part of the Second City improv companies or the iO Harold Teams, but I did perform in some sketch shows and was part of an indie improv troupe for awhile. And yet, you can start seeing the cracks of

Thanks! I used to be a regular commenter before Kinja, but I was used a different name then. I've recently started commenting more on Jezebel. Usually as a way to procrastinate on my writing. :)

Ugh, I feel like telling the commenters at Gawker that they're only allowed to discuss the subject if:

I wish this had been the case with my older sister. Would have set me up for mediocrity for life. But, noooooooooooooooooo, she had to rebel against everything and disappoint my parents at every turn, leaving dear old me to become the highly-neurotic overachiever of the family.

Ha! I do love to blow people's minds when I tell them of our former Japanese-Peruvian president....

I know everyone thinks that their country's food is the best. But Peruvian cuisine is really DA BOMB, and part of what makes it so special is that it's very idiosyncratic. You honestly can't find anything like it in neighboring countries.

This Peruvian totally grew up on tacos...while spending her childhood in the States. When we moved back to Lima it was all cebiche, anticuchos, lomo saltado, aji de gallina, papa a la huancaina, arroz con pollo, seco, parihuela, chupe de camarones, tiraditos, choros a la chalaca, ocopa, oyuco, butifarras, triples, and

The whole scene with her dad is a great example of how Scandal tackles race issues without resorting to "a very special episode." At not point is the word black even mentioned, but when Daddy Pope forced her to repeat that she had to be twice as good to get half of what they have....damn.

Now playing

In the great Sinead-Miley debate, I side with Fiona Apple's "This world is bullshit."