
I only made it halfway through the Moynihan / Larroquette trailer. Did it eventually explain how their character grew eight inches between 40 and 65? Second Puberty, perhaps?

> Things aren’t looking good for the Shenzhou, the ship led by Georgious… <

"There are cats that can do our job."

It's roughly the same length as Last Girlfriend on Earth, and they managed to squeeze 30 episodes of Man Seeking Woman out of that.

I didn't even see the heartglow. Will take everyone's word for it, but sure did enjoy the episode more before it was brought to my attention. :/

I recently overheard a coworker who is closer to 40 than 30 discussing music with one closer to 30 than to 20. She offered to share some of her favorite albums and when she made good on the offer the other coworker blurt-laughed "Oh my god, actual CDs!"

I've seen this movie, but have zero recollection of the elephant vagina scene described here. Either it was so painful that I blocked it from memory, or I chose the exact right moment to leave the room for a snack.

> I counted five sketches … that were built around Pine’s singing. <

It quickly became easier to keep track of how many segments Pine was in that didn't involve singing or dancing.

One. The answer is one.

I thought the one about the 70 year old billionaire who raped his daughter-in-law and roofied waitresses *was* the Trump episode.

So the Three-Eyed Ra's al Guhl is taking Bram Wayne into The Matrix to learn kung fu. Got it.


I misremembered there being a viewing party, but the rest is there. Also of minor note, JLD told the reporter that the line was "Democracy, what a fucking horror show", but as we saw last night, the take that made it to air had no "fucking" in it.

> Pete's elbow moves…

Fingerprints. That, or he accidentally voted in the Georgian election.

Our last election took place while this very episode was being shot. The crew had a results-viewing party with a big map of the States they expected to color in blue as the night went on but ended up throwing away.

Right after this episode of Jane, I watched the previous night's episode of Feud.

Joan Crawford: "I've always wanted to play a scientist."

Me: "Also known as a lady scientist."

I've already forgotten which episode it was in (damn you, Binge watching!) but what was the song Jane told Ziggy it was okay to play on guitar but not to sing?

Big ups for Bobbie disposing of Team Mao's guns. I hate when smart characters do dumb things like leave weapons sitting around just waiting to be used against them later.

He knows a lot about how people die.. to get a better look.

> the Patriots’ social media accounts explained that 36 players showed up in 2015 for the same White House gathering following a Super Bowl win.<

> The Patriots responded to concerns about the low attendance overnight, though, noting that there were only two fewer players in the photo than in 2015’s… <

She's Agnekin Skywalker, the person Aida used to be before she turned to the Dark Sydra.