Except for The Lion King, movie to stage productions suck. Why would you spend $200 when it's never as good as the film? Quit wasting theater space with this insanity!
Except for The Lion King, movie to stage productions suck. Why would you spend $200 when it's never as good as the film? Quit wasting theater space with this insanity!
Well, the woman is logically the weaker spouse in matter of options. She is more likely to be financially unstable and have less of a support system bc many shitty husbands isolate them from family and other helpful outlets. I don't think weaker meant in spirit or resolve but in the realities of what you need to get…
Who cares what he wears? Hasidics, Amish, Muslims, Buddhist leaders all have a style of dress that you could say is weird, too. Do you care about that?
I didn't mean it rudely. Sorry if it sounded that way. I still think Kyle would be the one men would really want. Taylor is a pump and dump.
I replied to another post regarding “fuckable” versus down to fuck. I would think men would find Liz Taylor as more of a conquest than Jenna. Would they fuck Jenna, yeah but would they marry her, no. So isn’t their goal to turn fuckability into a marriage? It's confusing!
Are you mixing up fuckable with willingness to fuck? I think Kyle is the one most guys would be attracted to but Brandi would fuck.
I read it as one would think they would look to people like Princess Di, Grace Kelly, etc as an example instead of a porn star. So, if you’re talking about class, it is strange that they feel they are high class while emulating someone they would consider low class. Going low to get high! Would they invite Jenna to…
I highly doubt Rosie O is an unfit mother. It is very apparent that she cares about her kids. Does she have flaws and some mental illness? Yes, but there are millions of moms with the same issues. I think trying to disparage her for smoking weed when her ex probably knew it when things were good is vile. I’ve seen…
I also think actors need to accept that tv isn't how it used to be. Unless you get a show that goes into syndication, you can't depend on a lifetime of residuals. Major networks don't rerun the hell out of shows anymore.
I doubt she has much power at all. She's lucky to have a job. It's not like she's irreplaceable. Look at how quickly bigger stars are cut from hit shows during negotiations.
I doubt she gets much money since she’s not on a major network or successful cable show. NPH only got 40k to start on HIMYM. I’m willing to bet that she makes 15-20k an episode at most but I wouldn’t be shocked at 10k.
I doubt she has enough juice to get SAG big wigs to listen. She's a marginal actress on the lowest network on the totem pole. By using social media, they will be forced to at least address the concern.
No, they are Garfleck
They are not Bennifer, they are Garfleck. Better recognize!
Was it the Munster Marathon on Calumet/45th? They wished me happy Mother's Day. Maybe they just err on side of caution or assume any sane, childless adult wouldn't live in NW Indiana if not for kids.
No way, Colin wins. He's calmed down and matured since having kids but still looks like he'd be fun. He seems to have consciously been trying to pick more actor-y projects rather than just Liam Neeson action movie of the week. He presents as confident and secure in who he is, intelligent, into culture, etc. Kitsch is…
No shit! I used to think it was my best hope but then I got a nasty one after oral surgery (guess it's a trigger) so dentist gave me valtrex. It's kind of embarrassing when drs read my meds list and first think I have genital herpes but whatever, that shit clears it in 2 days. I never even get to the blister/weep…
They don’t come on a clockwork schedule but there seems to be a cause/effect schedule (at least for most people I know). Too long in sun, illness/run down and obviously, exposure to others. So I think active precautionary measures could limit 80% of outbreaks. Also, a 1-2 day high dose valtrex script does the trick.
Doesn't nearly everyone have the cold sore virus? I can understand questioning a current outbreak but this is like asking how often you get the flu. Everyone gets it, I take 2 valtrex pills and it's gone.
I was there for the Chicago show. I was 12, it was awesome. I'm 42 and will be at the MSG show and it will be awesome.