She probably watched the video of his kid calling a photog the N word and realized it may not be the best stepbrother for her black son.
She probably watched the video of his kid calling a photog the N word and realized it may not be the best stepbrother for her black son.
I notice it’s usually who likes/comments/posts/tagged pics on your wall most.
There’s only one way to settle this-
I still don’t get how/why Flaca is in prison. The cop said “fraud” when he was arresting her. Huh? If you sell me fake weed, I can't go have police help me. So wtf?
I’m hoping Nicki will be back and only needed some time off. That was a ridiculous way to send her out. There’s no proof that was hers. How can she just get sent to Max with no investigation and the guard knows elec guy is selling H.
Someone watched The Simpsons last night.
Veep is hard to binge watch, there’s so many nuances and you have to pay attention. Sometimes, it takes me 2 days to watch an episode. Props to you.
I don’t get why girls go into porn. The Jenna Jameson’s and Sasha Gray’s are few and far between. The money isn’t that great considering it’s there forever. I used to do phone sex and made about 2-3k/week working 40-50 hrs. That’s good money, anonymous, safe. I’d rather be a call girl with a reputable agency than do…
On the bright side, Hank Williams 3 is getting some free publicity from this pic. If you want to hear some great music, check out his album “Straight to Hell”.
Green Day in on first ballot, yet Weird Al never gets on ballot. I mean, “Eat It” could be his only song and still deserve it.
I don't know why Weird Al isn't in R&R HOF. He's the best.
Wasn't it Barbara Walters who said that to Vargas on The View?
Some guys have a fetish for getting women pregnant. The women probably are made to feel that they are the “one” and he pits the women against each other until they realize they're another victim.
I think many of the Maury guests are victims of poverty. DNA tests to get child support are quite expensive. I often feel for the girls (even when they are wrong). The one issue that is bizarre is the guests who test 5+ men. I can understand 2-3 possibilities but 10? I'm thinking the girls might be prostituting. I'm…
Her hair looks like silk.
I think their real life romance caused him to get written off. I think there was abuse.
Why didn't HBO do a series marathon this week? That may have helped.
OMG, I wish I could figure this out. I quit therapy where I was supposed to deal with these issues bc of these issues. I think one feeds the other. I feel like I didn’t live up to my potential so I self isolate bc I’m ashamed of who I am. I’m not agoraphobic, I don’t panic around others but I will reschedule a dr appt…
Use monistat anti chafe cream, I also use hairspray on face to set makeup/ keep sweat away. If you’re not prone to breakouts, some Secret on forehead helps. I used to be very heavy and it was like hellfire in summer. Now, I’m slightly overweight and still feel warmer than others. I hate it. I also advocate putting…
It’s funny you mention slut shaming bc when my new gyno’s nurse asked about # of partners, the options were 0,1,2,3,4 or 5+. I was like 5 is the drop off? Wtf?