
I agree that 8AWG is good for 38A, but I have a 500W inverter and the power cables are 14 at best.

People make choices. I didn’t wind up where I am by accident.

I’m not sold on your reality at least. It’s not quite so black and white in my reality. I live in farm country. I get fresh local meat and produce without processing or transportation pollution.

I’m not sold that the environmental impact of these things is any better than real chicken. And I support your moral objection to eating meat, but I don’t have any qualms about it.

Free upgrade to a double burger!

These look like a great option when you want to eat something processed beyond recognition, but regular chicken nuggets don’t go far enough.

We are right at the southern edge of 4B and Oregano does OK over the winter. Sage and rosemary come indoors for the winter

Aw man, County fair here was cancelled last year and again this year.

I went camping with a ‘bearanoid’ friend once who I swore hung everything he brought from a tree in case it attracted bears. He then proceeded to drink too much and puke all around the campsite.

If it still has feet, it’s probably not meat. The first thing to come off after the guts are removed are the feet. Then the hide and head. So technically there aren’t many meats that DO have feet.

What rifle? I didn’t see any rifle.

Almost cheaper just to hire a plane and fly into your spot.

Imagine spending 10 years to come up with a recipe for chicken fingers!

My money is on Branson. Or possibly Harison Ford.

Came for the aerocoupe and got a nissan and an olds. And some car I’ve never heard of. Boo.

Any gas stove will do. I have a primus multifuel which will pretty much burn anything and get your coffee going in a few minutes.

Eye majin that if Subway were to use real tuna in their subs, it would put a lot of stress on an already tenuous fishery.

Another bus will be along. There are schedules to keep. Even... in Columbia.

It’s a lot, but that’s simply what they’re worth these days. If it were local I’d buy it to replace my current ‘97 5sp 4runner:

That’s all well and good until you come to a rural town and that entire ethnicity’s local population is in the back cooking your food.