Ian Boothby

Solid contender for worst fucking episode.

I sort of agree, but I’m mostly of the mind that adapting, sequalizing, or present Watchmen in any other form than the original comic book and still calling it Watchmen is proof enough that whoever is doing it doesn’t understand the original work.

The Mona Lisa is a painting.
Watchmen is a comic book.

The genius of it

Wow, a whole 10 mins! And btw, we all know what “annoying” is code for, so kindly fuck off. *dies from excessive eye rolling*

It’s funny as I’ve had almost the opposite reaction. I loved Endgame and am super interested to see where they’re going with stuff next! Homecoming is also one of my favourite Marvel movies so I’m all in on Tom Holland’s Spider-Man.

He never adopted her. If you’re going to post undisputed facts, please make sure they’re correct undisputed facts. 

It’s just endlessly fascinating, all the people who are 100% convinced that a world-famous celebrity would, during a custody dispute (with a woman who repeatedly physically and emotionally abused her children), choose a prearranged day-visit in a house full of people, to sexually assault his first and only victim, his

Just based on observations of allegations vs. backlash for various folks, Allen’s backlash seems disproportionate. (This is an observation, not a moral judgment. Unclutch thine pearls.) I wonder if the various outlets eschewing him have decided that they can score PR points by making a big thing out of it, knowing

And then everybody applauded.

That was my initial take too, but after thinking about it her death ends her arc quite nicely. Her entire impetus for joining the Avengers was to “clear the red from her ledger,” and I’d argue that single-handedly keeping the group together for 5 years before sacrificing herself to save 3.5 billion people is about as

Why not Best Picture? Why can’t a movie that causes overstuffed theaters to cheer and clap and cry together actually be considered the Best? Does it always have to be some cheesy Victorian drama that no one actually likes?

Counterpoint: Make Mine Marvel, baby! 

Weird.  My audience cheer/laughed hugely.

 So internal affairs was setting them up the whole time?!

It was only a matter of time. You can’t see Gunn do the first movie without expecting him to pop back up in the third.

Speak for yourself. I'm fuckin ecstatic for this shit

/Non and Ursa come in, tuck Zod in nice and tight in wet blanket 


“Breaking news:  Young person thinks elderly person’s views are out of date!”

Yeah I’ll disagree.

It doesn’t look horrible, plus I support Bruce McCulloch getting work