Anyone have any links to these videos, but in HD? The videos here look so bad its hard to tell how good the graphics are.
Anyone have any links to these videos, but in HD? The videos here look so bad its hard to tell how good the graphics are.
Yahtzee said in his video he hated having to give Spec Ops the top slot because it meant he would have to keep trying sunkgargleweewee games. He considers it part of the genre.
But Spec Ops: the Line is a spunkgargleweewee game and it was Yahtzee's game of the year.
Yup. Heck, have you seen the numbers for the proposed California High Speed Rail? Not looking too pretty right now.
You are right. I did not see the fine print at the bottom change from all to Republicans, and I am sorry for posting faulty information. I thought these polls always asked the same questions of all voters. Is is common not to?
It says right at the bottom of the first page that half of the people surveyed voted Democrat and half voted Republican.
Same here, plus PC if I can afford it.
That is some pretty good photography for a fan series. If everything else is as well done, this could be a good series.
You do indeed.
When we're talking about video games, I don't really think any opinion is wrong...
That's like, your opinion, man.
I could actually get behind this. 10% seems a little high, but games are a luxury good.
Its the first work of a brand new studio. Give them some credit, most first games are not the best...
Part of the problem, and I am asking this seriously because if anyone has any ideas on how to do so it would be awesome, is how do you humanize a guy who pops up for 20 seconds, shoots at you a whole lot, and then dies? He is very busy in those twenty seconds, between the shooting, the ducking, the running. The bad…
The F-4. My point was that the F-15 darn well should be better, they had 16 years worth of technological and scientific advances to put in it. The F-4 just being able to remain useful for after the introduction of much newer planes is a testament to how good it was originally.
See, I'm not sure if those guys count as assholes. They are incredibly strict, but I've never seen or even heard of one pulling a person over for nothing. They do not mock or get angry. They just hand you the ticket. I can agree with the sentiment that they should be less anal about the rules, but they're not…
"Please don't make us kick your ass"
I'm not sure I can agree with you. All possible precautions would have included not letting the journalist drive the car in the first place. There is inherent risk in letting anyone drive a car they are not familiar with. As such, the only way of protecting one's car from damage due to someone else driving it would be…