Well, in their defense it usually takes an i7 and a 680 to run at ultra settings. Hopefully, it means that less powerful computers will be able to run it well. My 130M is beginning to show its age when running the newest games.
Well, in their defense it usually takes an i7 and a 680 to run at ultra settings. Hopefully, it means that less powerful computers will be able to run it well. My 130M is beginning to show its age when running the newest games.
Porsche: take a spin!
I have to slightly disagree with you on killstreaks. In a FFA game, killstreaks don't work well. But when you are in a team game, they can be a god-send. I have seen many occasions when a team, who started the game pretty badly, has been saved by a timely killstreak. It can turn a match from a one-sided slaughter into…
If the rest of the drawings are true, this will be one fantastic looking car. Though I'm not sure if I like the four tailpipes...
I was told that rec facilities have to operate without a net loss, but they are also allowed to operate without a net profit. That alone makes them much cheaper. Same person also told me rec facilities directly related to combat readiness, like the gym, were allowed to operate at a complete loss. However, I have no…
Totally agree with you. I live next to a military base in the middle of nowhere, and if it wasn't for the base's entertainment facilities I'd go mad. I was trying to make a point about the track not really being an expense on the taxpayers. And looking at what I wrote after the fact, I kinda screwed that up. If you'll…
Oh, I entirely agree with you. Especially when you're at a base hundreds of miles away from your family. My question was not about whether or not it should be done, but a point about the facility being less of an expense and more of a temporary loan.
I military recreation facilities had to pay for themselves, unless they were directly related to combat readiness (such as a gym)?
Idk, Valve is still getting some amazing stuff out of source, and that engine is 9 years old.
+1, I lol'd
I don't envy any support group. Sure, some of them are jerks. But they have to put up with so much crap every day. Irate customers, trolls, generally incompetent users... I can almost forgive the asshole ones given what they put up with.
No, they just are hoping to hold out until the U.S. military shows up. For better or for worse, we are obligated to defend them.
I'm thinking Xbox controller...
I'm really beginning to be concerned about algae becoming the next carbon nano tubes: everyone says it will solve all our problems, but everything is still in the research phase. Don't get me wrong, I look forward to a future filled with algae based renewable fuels, cheap meat, and carbon nano tube super computers. At…
The F-4 is stunning, it is easily one of the best looking.
I asked one of my guys about it (I live next to a NAS) and he told me that there was a problem, and they are having to make some upgrades. I believe he mentioned an under wing pylon? Anyway, He went on to say that they are fixing the issue, and the newer ones have the problem fixed off the assembly line.
What happened?
They mentioned that in a previous article, but this one seemed to suggest that it could be a hazard to people on the ground.
Quick question, wouldn't the satellite burn up on re-entry? If that is the case, then how would it be a threat? I am genuinely curious about this.
Yeah, I lol'd