Ibn Rushd Secularist

She and John are some of the greatest gifts Jon Stewart ever gave us, I cant wait to see Jessica rise to the occasion as well.

The majority thing KILLS me, I think that Obama had a more idealized view of the US than we deserved. He really worked hard to keep everyone working together but he underestimated the vitriol that he would be facing as a black man telling white men to fall in line. That hate combined with low voter turnout (which I

Okay you caught him, he passed her once on the street, but like she was definitely black and a woman and she looked like a lesbian so it totally counts.

I wish senior year Obama was the Obama we had all along but at least now he is taking a stand, to fall back on clichés better late than never I guess.

He has a black friend, a gay friend, AND a woman friend. He is a paragon of tolerance!

irrefutable evidence right there

Margret Cho is actually really open about her struggles with addiction, I've seen her live twice and her talking about fishing a pill out of her own vomit both doesn’t get easier to hear nor less funny in the way she presents it. She's a genius honestly and I hope that if she is in for rehab that she gets the help she