
Gen X is in that middle-aged sweet spot where a lot of us are earning decent money and starting to inherit from their early boomer parents. the 240SX was pretty popular with us even before drifting was a thing. it only takes one of us willing to drop $31.5k and one willing to drop $32k on one for it to sell at that

Take it down a notch there bud. Everyone is just having a laugh here.

The non-dismissible warning on the dash is bullshit, but I agree that “void my warranty to save $500" doesn’t seem like a good deal.

just put a K&N filter in it


Now that I’ve seen it, I can’t un-see it.  Well played.

Just think, that was Matt’s own gear and not just from a studio’s wardrobe.

I hardly see how giving the Spirit of Ecstacy BELL BOTTOMS will modernize their image.

yay kinja.  I clicked on the wrong ‘reply’ link.  I agree you and I agree.

Leave it to this site’s peanut gallery to turn a story into a proletariat struggle argument.

Why does nobody mention the wealth being earned? While I realize some are born into it, many are self made through hard work and dedication as well as just being decent people. I mean football QB’s in the Covid era getting 500 million dollar contracts seems excessive, but why waste the hate, focus on your own place

Yeah. It’s the billionaire set buying $30k 240sx’s......

While on one hand i honestly feel sorry for anybody whose livlihood and lifestyle was hit hard by Covid...On the other hand it has allowed me to get my dream toys. Vehicles are privileges and nobody should be made to feel sorry that they dont need a weekly bus pass or have a sucky/no job. 

“What’s Something In Your Garage That Might Be A Relationship Red Flag?”

Here’s the only thing I really struggle with regarding the popularity of the S chassis and more so the S13 and the whole “drift tax” mindset. They’re not very good cars to begin with, especially US models (and yes; I’ve driven them. At this point who hasn’t?). If you have to dump an absurd amount of money into the

I don’t know why everyone is so upset about footage of an event that clearly didn’t happen.