
Here’s my overriding thought when I’m road-tripping: At 60 mph, every single minute I spend not driving is another mile I won’t go that day. Eat while driving, drink fluids while driving, try to minimize the amount of time you spend at rest stops or anywhere else that’s not-driving, because that maximizes the distance

-Wear long sleeves and pants, but in light material. Allows you to leave window open without getting roasted by the sun. Alternately, bring a tea towel to put over your left leg if wearing shorts.

For over a decade, I made the same 800 mile road trip several times a year. By carefully paying attention to my water consumption, I figured out how much I could drink without requiring an additional bathroom break. My limit was no more than 16 ounces of water every three hundred miles.

I pick up hitchhikers.

Leave anyone who complains behind. Kids, S/O, friends, whomever.

Red Bull, French Fries, and ummmm Marb Reds.

While Id love another road course, what I would adore is a dirt race. Theres only a couple tracks left that are notably doing worse than others. I dont see much schedule swap when we get back to status quo.

Yes. Could they walk up while carrying 400 lbs of camping gear? No.

Your interpretation is not unreasonable.  It’s a bit of a longshot lawsuit but quite frankly FCA is probably up to exactly what GM thinks (and it’s just nigh impossible to prove) and the author is being juvenile acting like it’s totally absurd

If the evidence is there — and it sounds like it is, based, if nothing else, on this article — they should have their day in court.

My neighbor has two 2017 Lexus LX570s that he OWNs.

Not asking for a go fund me donation. But Erik ridiculing the guy in favor of a billion dollar airline shows he doesn't believe in what he writes. 

Putting a package sorting facility at an airport might not be terrible. Mail has to fly too. 

Close entire terminal sections, reduce maintenance, heating/cooling to a minimum.

This is exactly the sort of bullshit I come to Jalopnik for to escape from reality.

The Lagonda has the interior but it is still down 4 cylinders compared to the Phaeton...

This is exactly it. You don’t have to be sympathetic, but you can be apathetic. What you can’t be is happy about someone else getting the raw end of a deal.  That makes you a dick.

And I absolutely agree with that. I’m not going to cry for this man. I will risk an assumption here, but he likely has the means to financially recover from this easier than most. My sympathy level will be relative to his personal loss, and since I don’t know the man, I have to guess and risk being completely

But there is a difference in a heavy sympathy for those evicted and actively enjoying a person’s problems simply because it can be worse. It’s okay to be indifferent on vacation grandpa, but it just makes him look like an asshole for being so outwardly happy about strangers having problems.