For all the whining people claim Mercedes is doing, let’s be clear that they don’t get paid any sort of bonus for revitalizing the sport (through pushing for hybrid engines), nor do they get anything above and beyond any other team for being winners.
It’s better to understand how Formula 1 teams are rewarded financially before throwing darts at the champion team, because it defies common sense logic and also because of this other team called Ferrari.
“Guyger’s lawyers have also asked to have their appeal heard by oral argument, which means she probably isn’t seeing prison any time soon (if at all).”
The problem you had was not having AC. As long as you can put the top up, convertibles are great.
Of all the niche roles commenters take up on here, it’s one of the strangest and least derivative, and no where near the most annoying.
If someone is a vegan crossfitter, there’s exactly zero chance you’ll need to wonder. Zero on the Kelvin scale.
Erin, I appreciate your articles and your work, but, yours and Erik’s articles have just really started making me feel way more bummed out about everything... on top of everything... (especially Erik’s resounding negativity).
Windows in my BMW 850 automatically roll up at 100mph sunroof closes at 110mph
I was thinking this.
I don’t see a major or even minor EU or North American city on the list. This headline could have easily been “living in an developing nation that pollutes like its 1977 LA is bad for your health.”
I believe I’ve read what you’re describing as being legal in some states (the whole, transfer with bill of sale - not re-registering until sold) part. I seem to remember from when I worked at Carmax, that we couldn’t transfer cars to Texas from some states, because those states’ dealers could buy and sell cars without…
Correct headline: idling in traffic with your windows down in developing countries with minimal pollution controls increases your exposure to pollution (which may or may not be a meaningful increase that has health outcomes because we didn’t test that).
I think the answer is either “Buddy Rich” or “Animal from The Muppets.”
Step one, call your credit card and dispute the charge. The selling dealer will be a lot more helpful when they know you’re willing to take their money away.
Sounds like a case for Steve Lehto or someone similar that handles these things in your area.
I would say his reputation for “grampa rock” is also very overstated. In the early and mid 80's he was known for music like this which was a staple on the coolest shows at the time, like Miami Vice, which in turn basically set 80's fashion to what we know of today (the sports coat with t shirt, etc..). He was the targe…
The market is in the tank and financing is dirt cheap, don’t dump $35k in cash on a car unless you have a lot more where that came from.
Uh, are you new here? They need a 1948 Chevy Fleetline.
If you want a Tesla in Michigan, you have to buy it out of state and then register it here.