I Blame the Jedi

That’s his friend, not just a fellow comic. What CK has done is abhorrent, and I hope Dave, Sarah, and the like have given him the business over it. But they also have his back to get him to go to and stick with therapy, deal with and address his problems. That's real friendship. 

Different strokes man. I thought those jokes were pretty tongue in cheek. And they made me laugh in spite of how wrong and twisted they were. The audience liked it, too.

It’s because it was great. Despite all the Star Wars fans who clearly just had an emotional reaction to being slightly challenged and are desperately trying to invent an objective reason for it.

Do I have to read between the lines to find the reference to those misogynist dipshits in this article?

“The offical AV Club party line is that The Last Jedi was an amazing movie that revitalized the Star Wars franchise,”

Indeed. The people who hate TLJ seem to think they represent majority opinion for some reason. Presumably because they all hang out together?

Contrarian as opposed to who? The Last Jedi had a 91% RT rating.

I enjoyed the most recent trilogy as well. Were they high art? No, not really. None of them ever were. And this is coming from someone who was super obsessed as a kid and has probably forgotten more about Star Wars than most people will ever know.

If you’re in Oregon like I am, they aren’t even beginning to issue Real IDs until July, so they’re basically begging folks who have passports to just use that for travel starting in October. There’s no way they’re going to be able to roll out Real IDs in a timely enough manner. I needed to renew last month and *would*

Not only did he murder his dad, his Grandfather tortured *her* for hours if not days. Luke may have felt good in him but I always kinda wondered if LEAH forgave Vader for the drugs and torture and holding her in place and making her watch Tarkin murder her world.  Her Dad, whom her Son did everything he could to

Counterpoint: if your son is a mass-murdering psychopath, then maybe the right thing to do is acknowledge that they’ve crossed a line. Leia is not a piece of shit, but she’s also intensely moral and strong. It would break her heart, but I think she would realise that Kylo was not the Ben she used to know.

That all tracks to me.

Why is it that no writer at any point was ever willing to just commit to Kylo being a villain? He’s a wretched little rat bastard, he doesn’t need redemption just because his grandad did. Just let him be evil!

“It’s so cool that they’re bringing in Palpatine’s boss(?) after never mentioning him in any movies. So neat that he was just off-screen the entire time!”

I know it’s popular to trash Stan in the last few years, but it’s not like he did nothing and put his name on it. Guy wrote and edited every Marvel book for quite a while; that’s not nothing by any means.

I mean there is a significant incentive in real life for a self-interested person to maintain the status quo when said status quo benefits them. Obviously I haven’t played the game yet, but what you’ve described doesn’t seem to preclude the ability to take an extreme stance. I’m hoping for a scenario where you can

So the minimum wage staffer misheard or misspelled his name on a coffee cup and he cries discrimination even after they try to apologize? I have a name that can sound like other words and can’t keep track of the number of times I’ve seen bizarre spellings or other names/words used by mistake.

Counter-argument: it’s such an integral part of x-men that it fits nicely to have it show up here. There’s always a bad future, always a sentinel deploying human populace, but this posits two important differences: first, that 900 years after, humanity has fully lost to mutantkind and second, that it seems like this

(sound of crickets)

There is no idea I find more tiresome in all of comic books than this one. Watchmen is not some untouchable masterwork. There is no more an ethical minefield at play here than any other comic book featuring characters created by another author, including Watchmen itself. Alan Moore lives to complain about how