
Atlanta is not a City — it’s is a living breathing vibranthang of an urban area: ask former House Leader Newt Gringrich or if you are an actual urban planner perhaps re-read your copy of “S, M, L, XL” by Rem Koolhaus. Short-term , the Braves in Cobb was both a win for Cobb County & MayorReed led City of Atlanta but

CommonKnowledge that Atlanta Falcons are the BIGGEST bandwagoning whiny-ass Crybaby Fairweather Fans in all of Pro Sporting Leagues: Whine about the ED Werder media bias flimsy horsecrap, Whine about this Park Tavern Packers B.S. et cetera. Falcons lose & after the game it’s like ZOMG “Matt Ryan sucks...Matt Ryan