
Men are the worst BECAUSE all men engage in/promote/contribute to this type of behavior. It really is ALL men.

For men, yes, you are that stupid.

Saying not all men are like that is a lie. All men ARE like that. IT is biological (broken Y chromosome/testosterone) and it is social conditioning in that men are taught that they own women.

The fact of male violence against women speak for themselves. Ignoring it only makes you part of the problem, aside from being a man of course.

Coming and attacking women for calling out douchbro rapey frat boys is exactly what I'm talking about. Men can't be allies. They don't understand, can't understand, and have no genuine desire to do so.

I don't attack allies. I tell the truth. That truth is what women experience everyday at the hands of men: http://nametheproblem.com/

Aww, the rape promoting MRA has created a new burner. What's the matter, did I strike a never you rapey scum?

Men are a hate group!

"Is it a frat bro with a conscious?" LOL Bout as likely as a leprechaun riding a unicorn through Atlantis.

If the woman did not enthusiastically consent, it's rape. If she wasn't sure how she got there in the morning, she couldn't have been enthusiastically consenting. It's simple you MRA rapist apologist creep.

Stop trying to defend their behavior behind anonymity scummy neckbeard.

ALL men perpetuate sexism. They cannot help it.

Get bent, stop trying to pretend you're something you're not.

Nope. They don't exist

Porn is pretty much the opposite of civil rights. It is inherently degrading to women. It's only purpose = boners.

Can't handle the truth can you neckbeard?

I'm a little distressed that so many women here believe paternity leave is a good thing. It suggests you need a man around to take care of you after childbirth, as though we're just helpless creatures, and worse, it suggests that men can have any positive influence on a newborn.

Thank you, finally. Men CONSTANTLY stand by rapists because they simply pick the side of the man. Women need to stick together if were going to combat rape, so we can't go accusing women of lying.

Should have cut off his nuts. No more legacy admissions asshole!