How can they even be allies? They ARE the patriarchy? The ARE the problem.
How can they even be allies? They ARE the patriarchy? The ARE the problem.
GROSS!!! So babies can just get diseased from all the urine everyone. Plus, GUYS DON'T WASH THEIR HANDS.
You're giving men too much credit, 1 in 5? Ha.
This woman is awesome!
This is a man who, in a video posted on YouTube just a few days ago, took off his pants and air-humped toward a picture of Sarkeesian, saying "suck my dick, bitch… suck my dick, bitch."
When 1 in 5 or more men are rapists, then yes, normal men DO rape. Though I'm not sure how much education will really help. It's much to endemic.
Oh please, 99.99999% of the time it's a dude. And when that dude can't answer such a question, what happens to him? Nothing. But the victim gets smeared over and over.
Yet another reason men can't be trusted.
So you've had 30 years to deal with your internalized misogyny but haven't??
Your solution is simply to coddle the patriarchy.
For a supposedly "feminist" website, remarkably few women get this point. Men are the problem. They cannot be feminists, they cannot be allies.
Bringing up this myth that women abuse men is nothing but an MRA derailing technique. Maybe you're just not familiar enough with it.
The Taliban just do what other men wish they could get away with anyway.
The discussion isn't about your myth about women "abusing" their husbands. It's about male pigs believing they own women's bodies, and the crazy idea that the only way to prevent some male from forcibly violating a woman is to own her through marriage, where he can just forcibly violate her legally.
Fuck all of this tone policing from a bunch of sexist pigs.
Thank you!! I was wondering how NO ONE ELSE on a feminist site gets just how degrading this is. What happened to people here??