She should have taken out his plastic surgeon instead.
She should have taken out his plastic surgeon instead.
No one co-opts shit unless you let them.
But does Mahmoud think Joe Flacco is elite?
Hell yeah. Bring in two choppers next time and then release like 5,000 plastic bags onto the street. This string of bikers getting weirdly brutalized has me fully invested and partially engorged.
I’d always wondered where Sir Isaac got his money. Alchemy is an expensive habit.
Somebody’s always gotta try to profit from a tragedy.
Maybe football should be eliminated entirely from all schools except those in the Power 5 since those games obviously don’t count to you?
Pfft that would require research and data collection Those are hard.
So where are your stats to provide a counter argument? All I see here is outrage and that’s not really constructive. If you disagree with how they read the stats, how about writing an article with your own detailed analysis and let’s take a look at them.
I am sure they would be enlightening.
Holy fucking hell. Fuck this guy. Fuck his itchy goddamn trigger finger. Fuck his lies. Fuck his psychologist. Fuck his “I’ll never be normal again”, “I’ll never sleep well again.” “I’m not a racist, but...” ass. Fuck his lying, murder covering work buddies.
Irresponsible and dishonest reporting has been the hallmark of Splinter for years since they pushed out the Fusion writers to create their white progressive haven.
The filibuster is dead Libby. It was eliminated by the Democratic controlled Senate for all judges except the SCOTUD during the Obama administration because the Republicans kept using it to block any of his appointments. It was then of course eliminated in 2016 for the SCOTUS to get Gorsuch.
Watch the GOP come after video games.
This article shouldn’t even exist. All this guy wanted was attention, and now he’s getting it.
Good thing no one ever walks around with nagging orthopedic issues due to a wrestling career in high school and college. Oh wait.
Pathetic. Gamer boy culture is destroying traditional American values for these young men; values such as hard work, hand to hand combat, and pain management. My toddler is 4 and he’s already starting at middle linebacker. These e bros will be working for him some day. Where are the parents in all of this?
This sounds like some White Feminist (TM) bullshit.
Aaaaand this is what happens when our society rewards moronic jagoffs for their asinine behavior by giving them more money than they know what to do with.
Given his love of Hochuli, I can’t see Kavanaugh closing the gun show loophole anytime soon.