
Not to get them riled up for the next time there is one of these kinds of articles, but I've actually been surprised looking back at the comments how many Christians have stepped up and basically 'won' the mini-debates in these threads. It surprised me how many there were, mostly because every time there are one of

Exactly. I have tons of the micro/mini USB cables. This is why I love 'standard' cables and hate shitty proprietary ones. (I'm looking at you, Apple.)

Expand is on the bottom right of the pic. It will open it in the gallery view, and they look fine. Shouldn't have to do that though, they look like shit in that frame.

I'm a big fan of this desktop. I love desktop customization, and although I like some elements of most of the ones posted, I can always find a dozen and a half things I don't like about them. This one looks really good.

Here you go. Saw this the other day.

Thank you for explaining, I was unaware of that concept.

Ah, I totally missed what you were saying as well. I thought you were incorrectly correcting the spelling, since you wrote Pollack. But yeah, dude's dead. haha

That was quite anti-climactic. I only kept reading to figure out who it was and was disappointed she didn't find out. Movie plot anyone?

Capitalizing on the shortcomings of Siri, Majel is rumored to skip the entire abortion clinic finding process and actually perform the procedure.

I suppose it could still technically be up in the air, but I imagined the light, carefree way they said that, combined with the fact they're asking you to steal it, with the goal of keeping it, was enough to assume they don't press charges.

I understand how business works, bud. I was talking from the perspective of the people paying a shit ton for these. And yes, I still understand that they're helping the business get on it's feet, I'm just saying it sucks that a bunch of these people will likely only use it for like 6 months.

So, uh, what happens if the iPhone 5 comes out with a 4"+ screen? I suppose they'll make another model then, but shit it's about to hit $100,000 on the first day and this wasn't supposed to end until mid-February. I suppose they'll just buy another one, as they do with the phones every year.

Yeah, I mean, I'm not saying it's not cool or I wouldn't hang it in my house. But $140 million?

So....if you get caught do you like not get arrested? I'm failing to see how this is different than stealing anything.

This is Pollock. He basically does a bunch of these. And they sell for millions.

2009? The laptop (PC) I'm on now was ordered in May 2007 and it has a Core 2 Duo. lol

I skimmed the article and didn't focus on 'undesigning' or whatever, but I think the point they're making about obvious design is pretty true.

Holy shit balls, looks like Samsung should be suing Apple.

Looks more like a dragon than a spaceship.