
I read this comment last, so I can now see why you have such strong views on this topic. I'm terribly sorry that you had to go through such a situation.

What makes you think I'm incapable of exercising discretion in different situations?

From a "Did you break the law, yes or no?" standpoint, nothing, but you can't honestly be equating speeding with raping a child or murdering someone, can you?

I speed for a few reasons:

There actually is more to the letter - check the source.

Apps aren't the only thing that sell a tablet. Look at Android.

are going to be* You knew what I meant. But way to ignore all the other points.

Yes. And Yes.

No. No. No. And no.

Because the Playbook really isn't that bad. Hardware/OS are phenomenal. All it needs is the Blackberry native apps and regular apps.

Wow, what? It's the same fucking thing. I don't care that they did it and I'm not going to bitch about the way things are.

I remember Steve being quite proud of his completely innovative, totally original notifications system for iOS 5. Oh, wait...

I don't think you're thinking this through.

They projected 5 million more than actual sales. The iPhone 4s was released later than most expected for the new version of the iPhone. It sold 4 million in 3 days. I imagine it wouldn't have taken long for a million more, making them about spot on, if not a little short.

Go to my profile. Look at the post before this one. You'll notice that I greatly prefer Android over iOS.

"I have not ran across a single thing I want to do but can't do on my iPhone that can be done on an Android phone."

Raising income taxes does nothing to people who get their money via trust funds. Just FYI.

There are quite a few places around the world you could afford to live comfortably.

Aside from the iPhone 4.5 that sold 4 million over the weekend... Good call.

I'm pretty sure that it's guys, not girls.