
"was a photo of my wife when she was a kid"

Oh, yes 1:07... Bars on top AND on the sides...

What's the new one for the iPad like? I've just skimmed things and hadn't seen anything.

Not on a mobile device? The Blackberry Playbook begs to differ.

What about your first complaint: better app switching?

hahaha no kidding, that couldn't have been more obvious.

The UI design of the Playbook is phenomenal. As is the multi-tasking.

Having had multiple iOS devices and a Playbook, I can assure you that it there are others who can replicate the smoothness.

How is it not? It can do what Street View does and more... I love this idea. Being able to 'slide' through the building facades would be much quicker when trying to find where exactly I'm going.

I fucking hate doing laundry. I hang all of my shirts, including t-shirts, so dealing with hangers sucks.

And will still probably beat the new version of that computer... I guess we'll find out shortly.

I recently moved back home from college and have set up my office in an area that gets very little sunlight and could definitely use a nice lighting solution. I've seen some lamps that are supposed to resemble the natural sunlight, but they're a bit expensive for my current situation.

The picture on the Playbook is gorgeous...

I would think their has to be a way that one could do something like this and be rid of liability...

I guess I've been spoiled as they've always been an option for me. Even better now with SquareTrade...

That was 11 years ago. That's an eternity in the tech world. And who doesn't buy an extended warranty on a $3,000 laptop?

That sounds incredibly illegal?

What the hell is that thing he's using to control the mirror display?!? I'm disappointed.

"In addition, this report ignores the contractual obligations of advertisers and developers which prohibit them from sharing user information in a way that violates our policies."

Yeah, but at least they're upfront about it - I haven't used it much yet, but I'm pretty sure I remember being asked if I wanted to do them and the box was checked by default.