
I know! I think I understand what they were trying to say: Dorian felt like he was almost as bad as Stefan for trying to kill someone, but Matt didn't want him to be haunted by that and wasn't going to press charges on him, either, so he wants him to start over. However, it came off as cheap. Really bad idea to

This show doesn't think things through when they come up with a mythology rule. If people regained their memories when vampires die or become human, a lot more people would be out there acknowledging vampires exist and/or be crazy.

Don't forget, you can't trust what Cade says, he's the devil, "Father of Lies" and a good lie has some element of truth to it. He was just trying to get Stefan to give up living so he could get him to go to hell.

I see what you're saying, if by that you mean "original format". I think what I meant was "original vision". Nayar is keeping to the original vision overall, though—at least before this.

Thing is, even V being in the mental asylum is probably going to be only temporary. I miss the days when Emily was able to execute such a tight plan that only the extreme cunning of V would finally be able to thwart it—and then, not even right away. I was kind of looking forward to Conrad rotting in prison too—but

I would rather see the original concept of the show.

Well said—none of her motivations make sense—except ironically her turning in Jack—although it was immature to call the police rather than confront him (heck, she only ever confronts her parents for their deeds—why throw the book at Jack who she trusts more than they?)

I know—they have destroyed any credibility/continuity with her character.

I was thinking that too—but even that is SO soapy and overused (the evil twin!) I guess it all depends on how they do it—I just don't hold too much hope they will do it well. I guess we'll have to see.
Oh hey Gabriel Oak from "Far From the Madding Crowd"?

I know…they could say he was in hiding—they probably will say that—but is that still plausible? I guess it's as plausible as anything they are doing on the show nowadays, but really a kick in the gut to me. If Emily was able to fake her own identity in order not to be detected, how can he claim he had to stay in

You make some good points about what made this season work that I hadn't considered. I still don't think this season is as good as you believe, but I do want to watch it again and look for these things. This season, for example, still has the same problems as other seasons of having flat side characters with not