
Yeah, it does. I would never have guessed he’s a natural blonde. A brunette, maybe, but not blonde.

Oh yeah, I’d actually forgotten about that.

You’re welcome :) Just keep in mind, like someone else said, there is rape in the later books, but it’s never combined with torture again.

Agreed. They always seem to have these unique personalities to them, but not in a she-always-plays-the-same-characters kind of way.

I would agree with that theory, if the later books weren’t so hard to slog through. It takes a fairly voracious reader to make it through the first few books anyway, but the last two just take an enormous amount of iron will and free time. I’m not sure the series will actually suffer that much when the book comes out.

Yes, thank you! They’re completely skipping over stuff from the books that made me tap my fingers and want to scream “GET TO THE POINT ALREADY.”

I don’t know if this makes you feel any better, but this is the darkest the books go (as far as I can remember). Not to say that some truly awful stuff doesn’t happen later, but nothing as bad as this.

She breaks it’s neck with her bare hands, which is somehow I little more badass to me. And, she actually does it after Jamie convinces Black Jack to let her go from the prison, so there’s still hope! I’ll be kinda upset if they leave that out, or at least don’t replace it with something as equally badass.

Is he naturally blonde?? He looks blonde in the first gif.

I don’t know, they might have done that because they were foreshadowing that maybe this will be what finally makes him start standing up to Ramsay (even if it’s secretly, by helping Sansa or something). Also, I think it made what was happening to Sansa seem much, much worse. Sometimes it’s effective to show the

I don’t know if she’s a nice person in real life, but she plays a marvelous bitch in Hair Spray!

Yeah, I bet. I have to say, I would definitely choose Florida over Texas. The whole “Florida’s totally insane and nothing normal ever happens there and everyone is addicted to meth and riding alligators!!” thing is just getting a wee bit annoying.

You’re welcome! It’s been awhile since I read the book, so I might be a little fuzzy on a few of the details, but I’m pretty sure the broad strokes of what I said are right.

Oooh, I know! I know! If I'm remembering correctly, in the last book there is a scene on a boat floating down a river that is infested with atonement. Different characters, whome the show seems to be leaving out entirely, falls over board and after a brief fight, is touched by a submerged stone man and infected. So I

People have been commenting on here for awhile that the politics of the show have bothered them by being too optimistic/unrealistic (“A Republican president that actually passes gun control legislation and fights for equal pay for women?? Preposterous!!”). While I agree with them on that, this was the first time it

All the best people are :)

Thanks! I’m pretty sure he wasn’t in any of the others...

Voyage of the Damned? Not to my knowledge, but I could be wrong. I think someone else said he’s only listed as the Doctor on IMDB though.

Has there been any official word on whether Andrew Garfield will still be Spiderman?

Well hell, I would too. She’s a pro!