
Politics is a game of explaining why your sexual predators are better than their sexual predators.

No, by that line of thought you can’t know whether someone is a predator or not based on how they’ve treated you.

What I want to happen has already happened; he’s apologized for the stupid photo and he’s facing an ethics investigation to make sure that there isn’t more of these incidents in the past.

“I spent hours next to the tiger, he never ate me.” - Says the tiger’s friend to the bloody corpse.

You believe women when it furthers your own ideas, but disbelieve them when it doesn’t.

“What makes you believe one woman who expresses a negative and then dismiss women who express a positive? Since when did “believe women” only apply when they’re accusing someone of something?”

Uh bruh after watching The GOP shit themselves trying to support Roy Moore and Donald Trump you need to sit yo ass down.

Still waiting for all the white women yelling “Me Too” to come to the aid of Frederica Wilson and Maxine Waters. Is this thing on? Hello.

As Evenrude pointed out, this isn’t just a hearsay incident or an uncomfortable moment; there is a photo of Franken’s innappropriate behavior.

That is why Heartland Conservatives #StandByTheirPedophile !

No one says they don’t get to do it, obviously.

That’s completely meaningless though. Why do people think that just because someone didn’t treat them poorly, it means that person is incapable of harming others?

they feel that his behavior has never been anything but indicative of equality and respect

He admitted having done it, bud. Also, there’s a photo.

Yeah, I just spotted this over on the Root and kinda just blinked at my screen for a second.