
Yeah, anyone who supports Trump is going to be watching FOX news and reading Brietbart who will paint this as “Cruz utterly DESTROYS Sally Yates”. By virtue of the fact that he’s a white male speaking to an intelligent woman. Same way they thought Trump “won” all three debates even though he sounded like a third

There was an earlier moment in the Cruz/Yates exchange that really pissed me off and makes Yates’ response so much more delicious. Cruz asks Yates if she was familiar with 8 U.S.C. 1182 and she says “not at the top of my head, no.”

She was great today.

She utterly destroyed Ted Cruz, which was satisfying to watch. Evidently Harvard Law and Princeton can’t teach their students common sense.

She kicked Cruz’s ass when he tried to do the classic Republican deflect onto “But Hillary’s emails!” and schooled him on the Constitution. Then he slunk away in shame.

I’m living for this video. It’s like he spent weeks looking at his fans’ Tumblr posts and distilled them into 5:40 minutes of music video. It’s got it all: Instagram-worthy moody landscapes? Check. Close-ups of his fashion boots? Check. Imagery of Harry as supernatural being? Check. Unironic romantic drama? Check.

All the bottles are still white, tho.

“I was trying to explain that all hospitals are required by law to treat patients in need of emergency care regardless of their ability to pay and that the Republican plan does not change that,”

What a lovely group of people. Show’s how little they know of the word “fraternity” when they abandon someone to die simply because they’re cowards.

Before ACA, my dad had lung cancer. He was convinced he was going to die so he decided not to treat and leave my mom in horrible debt. He died in the middle of the night after not being able to move off the couch for three weeks. No pain meds. No hospital stay. Nothing but my mom sleeping on the other couch watching

I personally know about a guy who didn’t have insurance because my stupid state didn’t expand Medicaid. He ignored the signs of being pretty sick because his only option was the ER and he’d already been there a lot recently and couldn’t afford it.

I think that someone willing to fire a rifle into a moving car is not likely to be feeling bad about killing a person, only that he experienced an unexpected consequence for it.

On this topic:

That’s not how any of this works....

You know as well as I do that isn’t true. Several of these “people” represent districts that have actively voted against their own interests for years. This won’t change a god damned thing.

The shear audacity of this, and to celebrate after, is fucking disgusting.

Maybe that says more about you than her.

The budget was also seen as a victory for Democrats because it lacked nearly every cut Trump wanted to make—including the ones to Planned Parenthood, the NEA and Public Radio/Television. It’s a pretty sweet win for a supposedly weak and out of touch Party.

I watched her speak today. She looked poised, made self-deprecating jokes, referenced facts, and used words above a 3rd grade reading level.

Yeah, everything the bloated gasbag says has to be interpreted because he apparently has no ability at all to express himself without sounding like a spectacularly stupid moron.

I love how he says something that’s clearly factually incorrect and then takes to Twitter to pretend he didn’t actually say the stupid thing he said, everyone else just misunderstood him.