
This really isnt a hard discussion.. It starts and ends right here.

“Livanart herself says in this Facebook video that she spoke with “some black people” while making the suit, heard their concerns then went and did it anyway”

This means she knew it was problematic and did it anyway. Any convo after that is irrelevant.

Yep, because Europeans have never ever done anything bad to people of color ever

Already knew this was going to be here:

i dont even play it and im intrigued

I don’t play Fortnite but God-gamn their end of season events cool. I wish other games did stuff like this. 

I haven’t played Fortnite in over a year (and really only played STW when I did), but even as a bystander I really do enjoy the amount of production value and very impressive technical effects they employ in these events.

But imagine being the person who doesn’t follow Fortnite news and logged in to play today.

They went dark on all their platforms (twitter, youtube even fortnite’s official website). I know they are totally doing it to generate mystery and hype but damn it’s totally working.

You’re going to get disingenuous answers from too-cool-for-school edgelords about that list, just so you’re aware.


Thank you for calling bullshit on hyperbole.

This is why I ref 10 and under at my local Y. Ejections. Nothing, absolutely nothing, feels like ejecting the little punk when he looks at you wrong. Raise an eyebrow, you’re gone son. Dad screaming bloody murder from the sideline, take a walk kid. Someone has got to teach these kids a lesson. Sometimes life is cruel,

Having never been touched like that by a woman before, it was all he could do to prematurely eject her.

“fewer features than their Android competition”

What an eloquent and well-measured approach. Wish more people could just relax and use what they use.

Meh. The “feature” argument is a red herring. There is mostly feature overlap in this day and age. Apple will do something new, then the market will copy. Android or an Android manufacturer will do something new, and the market will copy.

People still really get a rage-boner for hating on people who buy Apple products, huh? I figured that would've run out of steam by now.

It’ll let you unlock your phone with your breath and Siri will get the voice of Scarlett Johanson

I’m not offended.

You are far too wrapped up in what other people are/aren’t doing, and not enough in how you’re behaving yourself. It’s time to step away from your device and go for a walk. What you’re doing isn’t healthy.

Except the gaming landscape is made up of more casuals then hard core players. Hard core players are not the target audience especially with massive games like destiny. You have that crap attitude that all elitist have.