
(Muslim here) I really think those viewers commenting were just trying to be annoying or they were just messing around with him lol. I can’t speak for everyone, but from my years fasting and living in a large Muslim community, I have never come across someone that cared if someone ate in front of them. You get very

I understand where you’re coming from. Because while I’ve accepted the fact a long time ago that the writers of the show were not really sticking to the book material and I’ve started to enjoy the show for what it is instead of comparing, what they did with Q is a HUGE departure from the books that pretty much makes

Whenever I see screenshots for this game, for a second I think i’m looking at gameplay for the Division 2. 

You just have to buy the right used car. Like someone else said, Honda or Toyota. And even Nissan. I’ve been using a 2011 Honda Accord for years now, that I bought for $8500 and it runs great and is showing no signs of breakdown. 

That’s why I was annoyed right away when I read that quote from him. My sister is in the same boat with her husband. They’ve been together for ~7 years and he still hasn’t held a real/good job. She’s been working 2 jobs for all those years, supporting him with whatever new project he wants to do, and every single time

I’ve actually grown a little tired of PUBG. I haven’t played it in a while. I also downloaded Ring of Elysium the other day and I am enjoying it way more than PUBG. For a free game, the gameplay and shooting is a lot smoother than PUBG.

Exactly. So many people that makes arguments in regards to Palestine/Israel, sometimes just completely ignore the human rights violations taking place and place other things as higher importance.

That’s actually not what it means at all. You can bring up PLO and Hamas all you want, but coming from a Palestinian here who has done a lot of work for Palestine for many years, “from the river to the sea” has never meant ‘death to Israel’ to me or any of my peers. That phrase literally means freedom for

You saying Diablo makes you think of Marvel Ultimate Alliance makes me want to go get it right now for the Switch. 

Sweet, I never knew Crashlands was coming to the Switch. I have it on PC and it’s a very relaxing game because of the infinite inventory, among other things. Perfect game to have on the go.

Yeah people still play the crap out of COD. I’m not one of those people, but tbh Black Ops has always been the most consistently good part of the COD franchise. Black Ops 2 was my favorite, but someone I watch on Twitch told me he ranks BO4 over 2. So apparently they’ve made improvements. I’m still not going to buy it

When did I say I speak for all Middle Easterners? I said the community I live. I obviously don’t know the mind set of every single Middle Eastern person in the world. Esrahaddon’s comment was implying that no one outside of North America cares. The point of my comment was to say that there certainly are people out

Jystad, do you happen to have a blog? The way you explained your points was perfect. While I am not black, I am half Middle Eastern-half Puerto Rican. I too deal with some of the things you spoke of. I get treated different from people outside of my community and I also get different treatment from people that share

We actually do give a flying shit (Middle Eastern guy here). So what people are you talking to that led you to that conclusion? The entire Middle Eastern community I live in and all of my friends who are from outside of North America from various countries, agree with what I’m saying, and what Scott said. If you

Playing Mario Party with the fam every night

Browsing on Chrome already uses up a lot of memory, aren’t we going to need a lot of RAM for this to run properly? 

Wait, really? There will be times that the game just decides when you lose or win regardless of how well or bad you think you’re playing it? 

This. To me, the Vita was/is a freakin beautiful piece of hardware, I loved it. But I was extremely disappointed that Sony wasn’t supporting it with proper game development. What could have been...

Not sure if someone already explained it to you, but Latinx is a gender neutral term. So -x at the end is replacing the usual -0/-a. 

I’ll be serving up some aces and winners in Mario Tennis Aces. I’m having too much fun with this game