Tell me more about this... cup of noodles?
lol i gotta stop pulling that kinda shady shit
Oh sure it looks bad, but that's only because you put exactly what they said into print with the appropriate amount of context around it to get across exactly what they were trying to say!
Fox & the Rethugs are already pivoting to Step 2: Blaming Video Games. Which is a little ahead of schedule, because Step 1: Thoughts & Prayers usually lasts at least 2-3 days.
Looks like a PS2 game
im willing to bet your perception of it being as long as a bathroom break, is only because your mom is trying to wean you at the young age of 32
It is completely different from going to the bathroom, you chud. Or did you completely missed that part?
As the article mentions, breastfeeding in public is legal in the US. This is because breastfeeding is a means to feed an infant. It's not a sexual act.
Kind of hypocritical of Twich remove videos of a streamer breastfeeding, which is perfectly legal to do in public as the article states, but will only give Dr. Disrespect a glorified slap on the wrist when he illegally films underaged children in a public bathroom.
Also if you consider breastfeeding sexual content, that’s your albatross, not the mom’s.
Answer: Yes.
I cannot imagine having the level of hubris and self-obsession required to believe that other human beings would want to watch me while I’m driving—and this is coming from a man who finds his navel fascinating.
Then again, I don’t generally understand the appeal of most streamers to begin with (I get it for some of…
Maybe instead of being thrown into Twitch Jail, people who stream and drive need to be thrown into Real Jail?
I get a weird sense of fear when swimming in water in games its enough to stress me out and sometimes ill pause the game and walk away, but I dont have any issues swimming in the ocean.
It’s almost like the fears we have aren’t always logical or rational.
I was alone playing Scanner Sombre (a dark and kinda creepy game) in VR one night. My wife, who works nights, came home at 1 am but I, being in VR, didn’t know what time it was. She walked into the room and screamed, not expecting to see someone just standing in the middle of the room in the dark. You can just guess…
I want to punch him I can’t imagine if I was the guy he was directing his spazz out at.
That big doofus wouldn’t know what to do with himself if he got popped in the mouth for real.