
I am both tempted and terrified to search YouTube for “pimple pooping”.

Obligatory “name checks out” comment.

“Pro-life" only refers to white fetuses. 

That fetus was complicit in her crimes and warrants, and in fact, pulled a knife on the officer. The video won’t show it, but that doesn’t show what the officer saw. 

So the pro-lifers will demand the death penalty for the killing of an “unborn child”, right? They’ll also ban guns as a surgical instrument used in abortions, right?

Her desire to make the world a better place went out the window when she roasted the Tarly’s last season. She showed her true colors then, and confirmed it last night when she talked about ruling with love and fear.

See, that’s a valid argument. The show meandered for far too long to rush to a conclusion in 6 episodes.

Because he experiences drove her to become a full Targaryen?

The root problem, of course, is time. Unfortunately, it seems that Benioff and Weiss really are the folks who chose a condensed schedule. With four additional hours this year, and three more last year, the show could have provided a more believable descent to despair and ultimately madness for Dany. As is, we got the

100% this. Anyone who didn’t see this as the trajectory Dany was heading in really hasn’t been paying careful enough attention to her or the show this entire time.

The ONLY problem with this ep is that it made the decisions in the previous two (killing that other dragon, Jaime fucking Brienne, etc.) even worse. For a show that was running out of time, they took some weird side-steps in this season that they pretty much walked right back last night. It’s just not efficient

The amount of rage about Dany going off because of “misogyny” from the writers is beyond me right now.

The takeaway here is, if you’re gonna be a scheming genius who lives and dies by their intricate web of carefully plotted plans don’t do it on a show where the writers have checked out already. 

maybe the most annoying death of the season. smartest man in westros goes and talks to jon out in the open.

Not bad, we’re missing a lot of connective tissues to make this work. D&D once again rushing to a conclusion. Thoughts:

D&D clearly just want to go home already.

Dracarys is Old Valyrian for “Sparky Sparky Boom Man”

Drogon’s been practicing his combustion bending.

Why’d they have to do Varys like that? Terrible end to his character.

I think that was fucking Shadowfax