
So on Friday Kotaku says that Wolf is dominating so I start learning Wolf. Then yesterday Polygon says that King K Rool is dominating so I pick up K Rool. Now Kotaku says Peach is the best and suddenly I remembered that I am not a Smash pro and I mostly only enjoy playing as Ness and the internet is weird.

Are you unable to understand people that take anything competitively?


a black woman.

She’s not amoral, she just has a weird code she lives by. Externally, she exists to teach kids about geography, (And to a lesser extend, how to navigate an almanac.) but within the fiction, she’s basically a gentleman thief: She does it for the kicks, man! 

It’s a power move. There’s no greater way to indicate to someone how monumentally bored you are by them then to shit on the floor right in front of them while they’re talking, then casually magic it away.

IKR! The entire appeal of Carmen Sandiego is that you don’t know where the fuck she is!!

I like nothing about this except Gina Rodriguez getting more work.

Evanesco stercorum!

For fun. 

Now you know why you never see anyone on Star Trek go to the bathroom: they just beam the contents of their bowels and bladders directly into space.

Unsurprisingly, a few years ago when Rowling first revealed this nonsense it became the subject of one of the most quotable Tumblr threads of all time. It may have actually marked the moment when Tumblr as a whole decided they were fucking done with Harry Potter.

Why didn’t they just magically get rid of the waste before it exited the body? Why did they have to make a mess in their pants or on the floor first?

At this point, it'd just give them more information to dox her with, and it's really not her responsibility to prove her gender to them and it's something that really doesn't matter in the end. 

Guess it’s just another one of those days that I’m embarrassed of the culture surrounding my primary hobby. What is wrong with people?

Allow me to translate from Kellyanneish:

Are you one of these pickup owners? Because that’s a really silly comment to make considering it’s the ones blocking the charging stations that are clearly insecure...

We have pretty good taste, not gonna lie.

Fortnite players unaware of time zones? Color me shocked.

Yes, but does it run WELL? I put it on my 3DS and it couldn’t even run the built-in SNES emulator. Maybe I don’t know how to configure my settings right, always feel like I’m one step away from screwing something up on my PC too.