
This one totally snuck by me, but I’m TOTALLY in for this one. Now, if they’d just come up with a ‘Battlefield: Los Angeles’ sequel....

You’re right, it felt like 8 hours of sepia tone.

I’m Kevin Hainline, one of the JADES scientists quoted in this piece! We made a visualizer, using software we developed called fitsmap, so that the public can take a closer look at these data, the color images and those from the individual filters, but ALSO the spectra we have for sources and full spectral energy

All of these can be easily grown in containers and people commonly do so.

Star Wars has never lacked Potential.

The richest people in the country are always the biggest Welfare Queens.

Seriously. How about instead of giving us yet another prequel/inter-quel/alternate reality prequel... give us something that takes place LATER and isn’t beholden to all the continuity (that inevitably gets messed up anyway)!?

I’d prefer a ST movie set in the 32nd century or later, but I loved ST Beyond, so I’ll give this a chance if it ever happens.

Sources say school administrators were suspicious of the high school teacher who could apparently pay rent AND feed himself.

I always thought that the 2017 Mummy blew its chances by not having Rick and Evelyn show up at the end as the real leaders of the SHIELD-type anti-monster organization. They’ve become semi-immortals, and have dedicated their lives to cataloging monsters throughout history and fighting the irredeemably evil ones, and

The final shot of Infinity War, where Thanos sits and looks out over his garden, to me conveys exactly what Cameron is talking about when he mentions ‘being able to see the inner dialogue’ of a character. You can see that he’s reflecting on a job well done, and that he’s at peace. The MCU VFX aren’t always perfect,

Cameron probably doesn’t get enough credit for pushing the FX industry, and particularly digital effects. The Abyss and Terminator 2 were films that really challenged the post-Star Wars ILM to develop their CGI capabilities.

It’s entirely possible Cameron made a great movie.I just don’t think it’s likely. He hasn’t magically developed writing ability at 60 something. He’s the cinematic equivalent of Yngwie Malmsteen.

Paid shills shill things they’re paid to shill.

Literally the first of these reactions: “even more than the first one!” Girl, you enjoyed the first one? Why?

I’m so happy that Avatar-heads are getting what they prayed for, a decade later, but the first movie was such a miserable and endless slog through bad dialogue, weak characterization, and powerfully ugly

No relation to the 2010 Norwegian movie Trollhunter? If you haven’t seen it, it’s surprisingly entertaining.

Basically anything not conservative is “woke” now.

I blanched and shocked about a hundred cherry tomatoes yesterday. Our neighbor is just giving them away.

Yeah, I know what you’re doing, Germain! Nothing screams an easy 200-comment count than 15 rounds of Last Jedi debate like last week! Well it ain’t gonna happen! I will certainly not re-iterate my stance that the Last Jedi was the best SW since Empire and receive a bunch of angry replies in response! I will not vouch

See you tomorrow at this site that you hate.