Maybe the whole film was a dream.
Maybe the whole film was a dream.
The Martian Manhunter reveal took away what was an actual heartfelt scene between the two people Superman loves the most. Unless... MM has been Martha the whole time and Jonathan Kent was married to an alien and had no idea. It would explain how they were able to raise Clark without being killed. The weirdest part was…
All you need to know about Synder:
Wow, you’re a dick.
Orrrr....with age (optimally) comes wisdom?
Similar to how I used to scale the outside of my college apartments up to the 4th floor during watergun fights because I COULD....but wouldn’t at all recommend others do it now 20 yrs later.’s kind of the thing you accomplish, or..don’t...and might not live to learn…
lol fuck off again, moron
“Because I fucking can”, classic catchphrase of a petulant manchild.
The government already tells you what you need. It’s already illegal.
Moments like this remind me that there are a ton of assholes that frequent this site that think their cars are more important than people’s lives.
Literally I have no idea. I’ve publicly called for a mandatory factory 85 mph limiter on all cars.
What is the justification for selling street legal cars that can travel in excess of 100 MPH?
Username checks out.
$10 says she didn't even know who Tracy Chapman was before this.
When I was a kid growing up in northern WI this was a common party food, and we would also sometimes have it for dinner on full-size pieces of rye, usually in the summer when my mother didn’t feel like turning the stove on. My grandmother owned the general store in town and would grind hamburger to order at the meat…
This is a good point. Because if any Republican senator wanted to give even the veneer of a principled stance, they’d say, “I’ll have to wait to see who the nominee is before I comment on whether or not I’ll confirm.” But they legitimately don’t care, as long as the nominee is capital C Conservative, and they’re not…
What alarms me isn’t Romney confirming he does not oppose moving forward with confirmation of a judge nominated by a Republican President, but that Lindsey Graham is saying they have the votes to confirm the nominee even though we don’t even know who the nominee is yet. For all that Republicans claim to be the party…
Not the most original, but it was the only time I was ever sent to the principal’s office:
A woman asked my aunt in a judgmental tone: “Where are you from?”
Wait. The guy in the lede photo is a pick up artist?