
If you’re really all for more women in off-roading, then you should also be behind women-only events. Women-only is THE only way that I, personally, would ever participate in something like this, and like Lauren says, it comes down to many, many, MANY bad, BAD, BADDD experiences. Before another #notallmen guy shows

I know how shit works!

Google “overland rally.” It’s a thing.

And this is pretty much a road rally, but off road. It's a really interesting concept, not about sheer speed, but about skillful navigation and timing. The Gazelles Rally is the same idea, but in Morocco.

Shit, I’m all over this. Anyone want to ride shot gun with me in my LX 470?

Ooooh, I’m definitely a pavement girl and almost never leave the city, but that certainly sounds like my kind of game! I have boobs and a superhuman sense of direction, I just need 5 grand and an offroader codriver.

Per their website: “Saturday, October 22, 2016

Lol yeah, that’s why women’s car insurance rates are generally lower than men’s ohwait-