
Thanks, mom, I didn’t think of any of those things!!!! My apartment is forcibly renovating my unit. I could have my rent go up to $1500 a month, or look for another place to live. Since I didn’t want to move, then move again in a couple of yrs because of another stupid apartment thing, I found a nice condo. I just

Christ, I just went from internal screaming about Anthony Kennedy to grinning like a maniac.

Dear White House Press Corps:

Any canned vegetable is a abomination.

I would say that this should be something you can look at as proof that money and fame are not cures for depression. You’re not doomed, you just have to find something (medicine, therapy, etc.) that will help you. Money and fame will not. Which I’m thankful for as I have neither.

Have we been able to even go 22 weeks? 22 days?

This is actually fine with me, I’d much rather get an undercooked steak that can be put back on heat than one that’s already ruined. Unless I’m actually at a decent steakhouse, I always order rare because I want medium rare, but usually that order results in a medium to medium well steak being put down in front of me.

Hunts always seemed to me like the condiment equivalent of Rose Art crayons.

Not only have a gotten a call from my own number, I’ve gotten a call from some cranky woman who said I’d called her first. I then got to explain how number spoofing works to this random person so she’d go the hell away.

Didn’t Wilson Fisk do this exact same stuff in the first season of Daredevil?

People: read the links in the story before you pass judgment. If you want a quick overview...

What people do not understand about this administration is that you cannot engage with people or respect people that act in bad faith. I think some intellectuals think that you can just peacefully engage a person and change their minds.

I wish you were a lady, because by your logic, that rant would have been two to three paragraphs shorter.

People are missing not only this but the fact that European white nationalists support Putin, going so far as to call him the “savior of white supremacy”. The other thing I had to hear Garry Kasparov (international chess champion and defected Russian national) explain was that the reason Russian disinformation

Since the American team is, well, good, she initially competed for her mother’s native Venezuela, before switching her allegiance and representing Hungary...

One ended up in Sacramento.

I was angry about that commercial but the shot at the end with the soldier hugging his kid changed my mind.

Dude! Do you really not get this? Women are being told that we’re replaceable because guys have realistic sex dolls. Which reduces us to fuckholes, basically. So, NO, you are not the victim here. Men who crow about not needing women because they have some silicone simulation are the problem.

Bear in mind this study was done in Australia, where the legal drinking age is 18. The results may be somewhat different in other nations where the age is higher or lower. For example supervised alcohol consumption at 18 might be very beneficial for teens in the US.