
That’s right, any male aquitted in a Southern courtroom of any violence against women is good in my book. I want the NFL to hire that female cop who shot the disabled and tazered guy in the back to be hired as an NFL vice resident too. Balance things out.

Bill O’Reilly disagrees with you.

I don’t believe Adolf Hitler beat Eva Braun.

Unless ESPN hires him.

Jerry Jones is a money-grubbing, mummy-faced, mush-mouthed, lying, half-dead, ignorant, hypocrite. Otherwise he is a good ole guy following in the great ‘Merican tradition of free market Southern-fried, Oil-rich, pass-the-collection-plate, harasses-women-too, bullshit. He is a man to admire.

Of course if he kills someone, he can finish up his career and then become an ESPN commentator following the career path of Ray Lewis. Didn’t Tom Osborne mentor Jerry (ole mummy face) Jones?