
Yeah I kinda agree. This isn’t horrible, but honestly I think in about 20 years they’re going to let fans vote via instagram (or whatever’s the 2039 version of instagram) on whether or not a baseball team should do an infield shift in the World Series. “Annndd yes, Bob! The fans have voted and the Austin Hipsters will

What the fuck is he wearing?  I mean, talk to me about The Proper Way to Celebrate a Win maybe after you learn The Proper Way to Dress Yourself.

The irony, of course, is Don Cherry once again disapproving of players exhibiting a showtime persona that he exemplifies more than anyone else in hockey.

I grew up in Vermont, I now live a 30 minute drive from Raleigh. I’ve been to Canadians games, Rangers games, Bruins games, and a few Sharks games. All world class environments for hockey (even San Jose, honest!).

You think Don Cherry would wear something that has only two colours and no patterns?

It’s all love

What can be said that hasn’t already been said other than Ndamukong Insano shows no mercy.

Thank God we can still rely on Republican congressmen. As long as Steve King and Comrade Devin Nunesivich are on the watch, I’ll sleep soundly. 

I went to a Catholic high school where a classmate died by suicide. One of the priests actually mentioned that because of the immense strain that occurs to someone considering suicide, that the church doesn’t consider them to be thinking clearly and thus it isn’t held against them on god’s big ol tally sheet.
It was a

I think there are still many, many priests out there who “Go Rogue” so to speak, and continue to preach as if it were 1957.

As a lapsed Catholic, I think this is fairly accurate. Other things the official church believes in include evolution and the big bang. The Vatican’s science department is pretty fascinating to peruse. Now if things could filter down to the priests on the ground.

Athletic trainers and wrestling coaches?

Last Catholic funeral I was at was for someone who killed themselves. They did a full on Mass, too, and there was zero mention of the deceased going to Hell because of how they died.

Holy shit, if you can’t trust football coaches & Catholic priests these days who can you trust?

My understanding is that the Catholic church no longer even acknowledges that hell is a thing or that suicide might get you turned away from heaven. Someone should maybe inform their preachers. Especially before any more priests torture a grieving family in front of their friends and relatives.

(I’m not a believer, and

A close friend of mine died, at age 28, unexpectedly. It was not suicide, and arose from an unknown medical condition.

Guys, guys. Please. They can both be completely detestable, it’s not an either/or.

Strike that.  Reverse it.  He has 193 more FTs than FGs.

The Warriors gleefully start perhaps the dirtiest player since Bill Laimbeer. Your opinion is bad and you should feel bad.

That’s not true.