wow, the amount of self-righteousness in these comments is bewildering. A lot of you really think very highly of yourselves and your self-perceived sense of being better human beings.
wow, the amount of self-righteousness in these comments is bewildering. A lot of you really think very highly of yourselves and your self-perceived sense of being better human beings.
This will not stand, ya know, this aggression will not stand, man
no...just no.
...that's not how the first amendment works.
well shit, i clearly got my hopes up for nothing. plus i have Wave cable up here in seattle, so i doubt it would work out anyway. it just seemed so promising...
1) what the hell is axs tv?
been trying to figure that one out myself. maybe he died mid-tweet and we'll just never realize.
you're missing out on the best ones:
i've been lucky enough to have the ability to attend some of the best private schools in the country, am a free market capitalist and libertarian, and don't actually believe the government when it comes to most things. i choose to get my facts from trusted sources outside of it. i believe in the scientific method. …
The evidence you have has been repeatedly overturned and debunked, so i'm not sure where you get off saying that your sources are in fact factual. You even started out by pointing me to a crackpot website to begin with - that shot any and all credibility out of the window. what i've shown to you has clearly rebuked…
The amount of technology and understanding of medicine, the human body, and vaccines is exponentially greater than it was 50 years ago. Time and time again it's been shown that the anti-vaccination trend has been debunked and is HARMFUL towards society, as has been shown by the sudden resurgence of MMR. Not only…
i can't tell if you're just a troll or being completely ignorant and moronic about your statements. Let me start with the website you posted and who the "editors" are:
if you honestly believe that there is a causal relationship between autism and vaccination, which has been discredited over and over, with the author of the original study discrediting his own study, and every major peer-reviewed paper on this non-sense clearly debunking it, then i have a bridge to sell you.
that got me livid. but this is something that extends beyond sports - it's just more personal coming from a family of medical professionals and having argued with these types of morons in the past.
as a lifelong bears fan, i've never really had a reason to feel anything more than indifferent towards Jay Cutler. His on-field attitude as enough to bother me during games, but afterwards it was quickly forgotten. But this bullshit just infuriates me more than anything. There's nothing worse than some idiot with…
I'd have to say my favorite roles were of him playing Father Brendan in Doubt and Gust Avrakatos in Charlie Wilson's War. Doubt struck such a great balance and toeing the line of trying to figure out what was really going on in the relationship between him and the boy. And he was just a badass in Charlie Wilson.
man, Busta Rhymes is so mean after football games!
+1. read this with the voice of James Earl Jones in my head.