

I actually didn’t know this guy was a streamer but while this is just a stunt, he already has a well established channel on youtube that I’m fairly sure he makes good money doing.

Pretty sure they were weightless in the last few games. 

Just no. Have you not seen the quality of their desktops? how can you post about this junk?

Just no. Have you not seen the quality of their desktops? how can you post about this junk?

The only thing it might matter is face value of the first to get to 1 mil which he did back in 2014. Assuming he looks like he is about 25 years of age and the average male in the US lives to about 79 then thats upwards of 5 grand or more he will never have to use on Xbox Gold again since he won a lifetime of it. Will

I think people are really underestimating how much Ninja is in the spotlight. He has more people watching his actions on a day to day basis than most A list celebrities. Also I’m almost sure at this point he has sponsors that he has to fulfill certain requirements to otherwise face penalty. I’m sure Ninja still is

Am I the only one that is thinking that this isn’t an expensive venture at all. Thats just under 11 dollars apiece with no taxes. 

Pretty sure he thought you made a rape joke as did probably just about anyone who read that. American prisons they find out about that shit and you get what you deserve in a lot of cases.

So many good ones and Blizzard always hits the nail on the head with the cosplayer they use for their commissioned jobs.

Arguable. I used to work for a place that used all Dell and they absolutely blew HP’s support out of the water. HP seems to hire nothing more than untrained monkeys. 

Arguable. I used to work for a place that used all Dell and they absolutely blew HP’s support out of the water. HP

I’m just sitting here thinking that it makes more sense for him not to have a feather in his hat. Also thinking that if this article was never wrote I would have never even noticed it. 

I work at a place that is an all HP house. Based off of how terrible their support is I would never willingly choose to buy an HP. Their printers are the only thing they get right. 

I work at a place that is an all HP house. Based off of how terrible their support is I would never willingly choose

Yeah man I was serious. Now do everyone here a favor and just shut the hell up. You’ve shown your ass to everyone here now get out. You lost. 

I’ll take it this isn’t sarcasm. How often do you see professionals risk their career in a high profile video to drift on a road that open at the time for others to drive on?

I haven’t played the newest entry but to me that just takes all the tension out of climbing up on something real high. I seldom ever have jumped to my death in the series anyway but now I don’t even have to find something to jump into for my great escape? Maybe I’m just stuck in my old ways. 

Well thats not subtle at all...

I’ve had this happen one time and after it happened I went and adjusted my update setting to use a time I don’t use my computer. Hasn’t happened since. Really easy to do and most of my updates get pushed to my PC while I am at work during the week or super early in the morning on the weekends. I won’t even need this

Read through the comments to find someone mention Peter Molyneux. 100% the most over-rated. The first Fable is a classic but everything after was a steaming pile of garbage. 

I’m calling this story “364". My first accident I rear ended someone and totaled my 2002 Ford Ranger. I was driving to meet some friends for dinner and probably a movie my senior year of Highschool in 2008. It was dark outside and traffic was heavy for where I live but moving so slow. I’m driving behind an SUV that

I just want to say, that is an ugly eye sore of a building. I mean seriously, the recessed windows make me think of an asylum.