Recommend everyone give this guy a follow on Instagram if you like props. Can’t beat his work when it comes to guns and helmets from poplar games like Destiny and Halo and pretty much everything in between.
Recommend everyone give this guy a follow on Instagram if you like props. Can’t beat his work when it comes to guns and helmets from poplar games like Destiny and Halo and pretty much everything in between.
From the new details of the story it should probably be a good idea not to get a friendly relationship confused with dating someone. Sounds like this guy is just completely clueless.
I’m pro gun and all but this is just a dumb comment. Waiting on your porch with a gun so you can fire at someone when they fire a gun at you is attempted murder or if you kill them, pre-meditated. Your probably like 14 though cause you think a .50 Cal would be the best weapon to use.
He broke character for this clip. He was wearing the wig and sunglasses before he left the camera.
Considering most people will never leave a review if they have a good experience, that doesn’t seem to bad. Plus people are less likely to leave reviews the cheaper the product is as well...
Considering most people will never leave a review if they have a good experience, that doesn’t seem to bad. Plus…
The glass is already patented though. Its just a film thats applied to the glass. Problem is, that some of these films only last like 5 years. Some last considerably longer though.
Agreed, I lost a lot of interest due to how long it lasted.
Will be cool to see some other talent in the league that probably got overlooked the first time around though.
Came in here to say the same thing. Like just let it go. Every damn Overwatch Article that they can reference xQc and say how bad he is they take it upon themselves to do it. I think I need to find a new game site to browse. Pretty much all of their articles have turned to garbage lately.
Imagine for a minute your in a crowded bar that is probably full to capacity and tons of people standing up and someone runs in with a 10" long knife and just starts stabbing guys. He probably gets to hit two or three without much commotion. Then panic sets in and people start running out in the same door so he…
Agreed. DS3 was my first Dark Souls game and the only reason I didn’t beat him on my first try was because I didn’t realize he was slowly closing the space that you had to fight him in until the poison gas consumed you. Super easy boss fight though.
My youth in a single sound track. Wish I could enjoy the game like I used to but getting older ruined it for me.
That was OWL. This is different.
I mean most things on this site aren’t worth reading anymore. The beginning of the article was useful but beyond that, eh.
While the article briefly mentions it, its a bit misleading. I doubt he gets to keep all of it as RSU stock has to be vested over a certain amount of time and PRSU is based off perfomance and goals met. Honestly he might only see a couple million of it if even that depending on how long he worked after awarded those…
People mod nerf guns and the like all over the US. This is nothing new.
I didn’t play a huge amount of H4 or Reach. Not like some of my friends anyway. I had tons of fun either way. I wish I could take elements from each game and make something spectacular. Start with Halo CE and go up. Give me every weapon from every game like H5 for highly customized game variants. Bring back the old…
I’d discuss this with you because I honestly think your correct. H1 probably had the best story (all subjective of course) but the gameplay that was unique to that time is actually pretty bad now. H3 or Reach was probably the pinnacle of its online gameplay but man I really enjoyed H5 multiplayer. Probably because I…
While this one is definitely sad, for me it was the scene from I am Legend when Will Smith’s character has to kill his dog.