
The descriptions are poorly written as well although very imaginative. Hell if you think about it tons of the characters in the game are already handicapped to a degree. Lots of them are missing limbs or other . The wheels chair concept makes zero sense in this game world because in this future it would be the norm to

I think the most important question here is: Why the hell is that semi on the left even there to begin with. Get the hell out of the passing lane you moron!

Thats about 4 times longer than I have been using this site. Cool.

I’ve probably only been reading articles on here for a few years if even that. I just felt like I started seeing more and more articles like this and decided to ask the question. Bashcraft seems like a pretty good user login though.

Hey man I just asked a question. I’ll claim ignorance because I never knew about a “Core” site. Calling me an idiot because when I got to kotaku.com it takes me to a site that shows everything is hardly fair. Try showing your ass a little less next time.

Oh Nice. I never knew about this.

Read that before, but forgot. I like how this is considered a latest talking point though. Lol

Never complain about free content. I just am sometimes confused about some of it.

What is Kotaku? The Website bar says “The Gamer’s Guide” but you guys seem to post anything that seems vaguely reactional from Japan as of late. Like I was thinking this was going to be a cross post from Jezebel but then I realized it had the word Japan in it.

Yeah this is true. I saw a deal for Asus 1080 Ti 11GB a couple days ago for 550. Didn’t jump on that deal fast enough before it was going though.

Yeah this is true. I saw a deal for Asus 1080 Ti 11GB a couple days ago for 550. Didn’t jump on that deal fast

The MSI card isn’t much of a deal when the Amazon Deal of Day has an EVGA 1070 Ti for the exact same price...

The MSI card isn’t much of a deal when the Amazon Deal of Day has an EVGA 1070 Ti for the exact same price...

I’m conflicted now on buying a card. Been running on the same GTX 960 for coming up on 4 years now that I got when I did a budget build. The 1070 ti prices seem good but I am having a hard time justifying buying 2 year old chipset at this point.

I’m conflicted now on buying a card. Been running on the same GTX 960 for coming up on 4 years now that I got when I

Dude the phrase is totally, When you assume you make me make an ass out of U. Which is totally what has happened here.

I like the more modern ones that read “Baby up in this Bitch”

“I want to thank everyone for playing with my banana on cam.”

Every track I have driven their always seems to be a “Porsche” line. This is what I’ve come to expect when on the track with one.

Man I can’t wait for Crackdown 3

He probably owns an Audi that will become a broken down piece of junk after about his 5th or 6th year of ownership.

Walmart has GTX 1070s and 1080s listed in the mid 500s right now. Well below what market price has been. I still want a 1080ti but just can’t justify the upgrade at the moment cause I am just not really playing that many games.

Walmart has GTX 1070s and 1080s listed in the mid 500s right now. Well below what market price has been. I still

I was reading some comments on a friends facebook page and they were talking about how their kid wanted Fortnite and PUBG. I told them that Fortnite was free and they could just download it. And their response was “Well he is 6 so he wouldn’t know any better”