
I think tree rat is used pretty much every where in the states.

Author said Halo-esque, but I start looking at the comments for someone to say Unreal Tournament instead.

Addiction or what have you it does sound like a problem. Idk exactly where you got 200 hours in 2 weeks from but that 14 hours a day, which is possible if your streaming games as a job but no one streams the Witcher. So the guy doesn’t have a job most likely or is only working part time or he has a full time job and

I think they could bank pretty hard on a new Halo release for Xbox and PC. The fan made Halo Online has actually been a big hit if for nothing but the fact it uses a mix of H2 and H3 mechanics but also the fact PC players can finally play it. An official release could be a very good thing.

I been playing a lot of Far Cry and I am disappointed to say that after you beat the game the game world feels dead. There are almost no more enemies to be found and only a few of the side missions are entertaining. Also I some how missed every single one of the item collection missions until the end of the game so

Being as Quake was an Arena shooter I am going to say no. Also no one uses red (they use Orange or yellow).

That game didn’t come out until 2009. Diablo 2 and WoW did it way before.

My bet is Diablo 2. Those colors didn’t necessarily mean the same thing back in 2000 but its pretty much the earliest thing I can think of.

I’m actually surprised this can happen since all the other BR games would pretty much decide by which person got hit first where this game is pretty much saying, “If the bullet came out of the barrel and hits it still counts!” Kind of reminds me of Halo because of how often you can get a “trade” in that game.

Well like I said, if the next one can find something new that works while keeping the core Halo mechanics I think it’ll be a big hit with an Xbox and PC release. Will it ever be as big as Fortnite or PUBG again? Probably not but I can dream.

Nathan, I hate to point out that I think pretty much every game is dominated by males.

Article states that Steel Series, Vertigear and DGC had all already pulled support.

I mean it was pretty hyped title for about 10 years. The new ones weren’t as well received but still sold really well and besides that Halo 5 is like 3 year going on 4 years old now. The next one should be a pretty big hit if 343 can avoid screwing it up since it will be an Xbox and PC release.

Article left out it was a wired controller

It was wired

Controller was wired. This might have been a rare software issue that is known or a worn out cable.

His controller was wired.

Tournament rules indicate they have to use a wired controller. His cable was either worn out or from what I have heard there is a very rare software problem that affects them that makes it disconnect even while wired in.

Went through the helicopter’s open cockpit. I’m not sure why it made highlight reel though since its a 5 year old game that plenty of battlefield players would have seen happen by now.

Funny thing is that this isn’t the first time she has talked about making a song in 5 minutes. She wrote about an older song she wrote while on a plane that she said took her about 5 minutes to write down. I like some of the stuff she has done but most of it has been features.