
Just cause I couldn’t remember exactly how it went I looked up the music video and damn did a lot of people hate it. Almost 550k dislikes.

I mean does anyone really raid anymore? Destiny seems like its dying.

I’m thinking a google image search probably would help more than being able to see through his computer screen. Lol

Playing on PC, the controls aren’t bad but putting down GTA5s helicopters just isn’t fair. I could fly one of those better than a trained military pilot and thought the controls were pretty good. I actually haven’t got into too many helicopters on FC5 though.

Far Cry games in a lot of ways remind me of playing Mercenaries where the best option is to usually shoot your way out. Man I miss those games. The first one was great. The second one was what I would consider pretty garbage though.

I agree with you on shipping. Every time I see someone decide to come up with their own theories, I hope the people writing the stories and backgrounds for these characters come out with info to destroy those ships.

Cosplay is defined as the act of dressing up as a character from a book, movie, or video game. This is cosplay. Just because you don’t make it doesn’t mean its not and just a reminder, all the other people standing around her are modeling there costumes as well. Aka cosplay.

I definitely get this same feeling. I lot of these guys have blown up all the sudden in popularity and don’t have the up bringing that a rising sports star would have had and now your putting them in front of cameras nearly 24/7 and expecting them not to ever slip. Most people will quickly jump on their high horse to

And who needs it anyway?

It looks like the artist couldn’t figure out what art direction they wanted to go and just threw them all together.

There are tons of weapons you can buy and mod. Not sure exactly what is missing in the arsenal that this game doesn’t give you.

They didn’t have a bike with a sidecar for Cheeseburger...

In my game he ran over someone elses dog... CIA dude is a horrible person.

I remember some bugs but nothing that kept me from enjoying the game. guess some of us get luckier than others. That was several years ago though. I don’t remember too much about it.

The game definitely seems buggy. I have only had one significant bug personally where I did a companion mission and then saved and closed the game afterwards. The mission is now still available but I have the companion so its just like it is stuck.

Hmm so you didn’t have to fly a plane to kill John? He killed me instantly when I did that and it spawned me on the ground with no plane so I had to go hunt one down to finish the mission but the plane I got into triggered another mission so I had to finish that one because it wouldn’t let me track another mission and

Funny thing to me is that the Micro transactions never added anything to the game for me. I played on the hardest difficulty and no amount of over powered Legendary Orcs could help you get through the game.

I’m on the other side. I thought 3 was a terrible game and horrible setting for an AC game. Unity wasn’t the best but I played it a lot. I personally never understood why people had a problem with Unity except for its online mode could have been alot better.

They aren’t hard to get into but this one feels like they are holding your hand a little less. That or I keep forgetting keys because I am playing this one on PC and I played FC4 on Xbox.

I’ve got nearly 10 hours in the game and haven’t experienced any glitches. Its pretty fun game to play though. Definitely recommend it.