
I think this is a guy you have to kill though. Was pretty entertaining either way.

First two don’t sound interesting to me. The third one had a stream going at the time of me posting this (12:30PM CST) and it seems interesting but I have no idea whats going on. I’d love to see some of my favorite streamers highlighted but some of the games they play have few viewers that the chance they will attract

Didn’t even know you could throw it. About the first thing I did with the shovel is drop it for the baseball bat.

Chat is garbage for most major tournaments anyway. Always have it in full screen mode because the audience for gaming never has anything constructive or worthwhile to input into whats going on not to mention something like Overwatch the chat scrolls so quickly no one has time to read the comments anyway.

Boomer on the right, Copper on the left. Both Good Boys!

Then your the guy in the third video posted.

I always see this comment and always ask for an example of good content and no one ever responds. I’m like 0 and 5 right now. Pretty sure what qualifies as good content is all up to the individual who watches.

I’m sure recording data for up to 100 players at a time for a replay is not exactly the same as CS though.

Would be funny to see him get traded before stage 3 and whatever team he gets traded to puts him in against SF and he stomps them!

You’d figure they would at least put him in when playing teams like Shanghai or Dallas. Not like SF is doing that good anyway.

If this was a big tournament, then most likely that footage doesn’t exist.

Agreed but I am sure when the game shows 8 are alive still and the circle starts to close thats one of the last things you think about is which one of us should try and jump off this cliff and shoot this guy. haha

In comparison to what? I think if they were an actual atrocity you wouldn’t have top level CS:GO pros playing the game.

Is it me or did Ibiza not even have to do that? Would like to see his perspective to know for certain but I guess he knew where that guy was and was betting on putting a few bullets in him and possibly zone killing the guy if he landed and died and hope his teammate was still up. idk?

With that much time left Philly probably knew they had lost so there only chance was a team fight. Only problem is they just had a full team wipe and Neptuno died super late in the previous fight and didn’t get back to the point until right up to that moment. Seemed to me lack a lapse of judgement to stay on the point

You got to imagine its based off games played and some other performance factors. With 8 players on the team, 100k doesn’t seem like much honestly.

Doesn’t sound like the most exciting thing, just drawing trees all day. I’m glad someone does it though. Can’t think of any recent games I have played that didn’t have trees!

Reading through it, its not too bad. A few people blaming guns and the NRA but mostly just people pissed about the parents negligence and a few Playstation owners pissed they used a DS4 controller as the thumbnail picture.

I’m pretty sure this is negligence anywhere you go in the states. The real question now is how do you even handle this?

I’m impressed how oblivious any of those guys in that clip are. Where are they when I decide to play BF1. Probably on my team now that I think about it.