
ChocoTaco, the streamer that you guys did a feature on several months ago, used to have a stream sniper that would get into his games and run around with nothing on but a ball cap and he would do the same thing. He eventually stopped when some people pissed him off cause they said he was ruining people games though.

Yes they do sound good but the ear cups are too small and the head band has no padding on them. I wanted to like these but simply couldn’t. This is coming from someone who usually wears a pair of on-ear headphones for 6 to 9 hours a day.

Yes they do sound good but the ear cups are too small and the head band has no padding on them. I wanted to like

I had a pair but returned them. They fit me like they were made for a child with a small head and tiny ears. So uncomfortable.

I had a pair but returned them. They fit me like they were made for a child with a small head and tiny ears. So

1/8th of a mile @335 MPH in 3.64 seconds with 11,000 horsepower being put down. You seem smart. I’m sure you will figure out how hard it could be.

I found the best strategy is just to be super aggressive. The only games that I have lost were the one or two where I was trying to figure out how the game mode works and when my team is being super passive and defending too much.

Yeah they just need to embed the youtube player like they used to. This is the most comment I have seen on a Highlight Reel post in awhile

Did the same in my Mustang except it was dark and I had no chance of seeing the curb. Also hit it at like 8mph. Had to have my rear wheel refinished. Oh well. I’m sure this was a lot more expensive

Yes exploiting the game to tilt the odds in your favor is indeed cheating. Not just by PUBG’s standards, but by pretty much every online gaming community in existence.

I turned adblock back on for all there sites. I’m fine with ads but when a stupid video ad pops up in the middle of me reading the article and moves my text and then finishes 10 seconds later and moves it again, its pretty damn irritating. I however don’t know what you find bad about Twitch’s video player. It works

Not surprising. I feel as though most of the voice actors have never even played the game.

Love how well Tracer can punish a team that is all on top of each other. Reminds me of a play the other day were a random I was playing with stuck an Orisa who was in a corner with a Bastion, Junkrat, Soldier and Roadhog. dude got a Quintuple and we finished the game.

Well if you think about it you probably turned a lot of your earned reqs into more Req points. That being said I pretty sure that was just a terrible joke.

Well there is not a draft of any sort like say football so its bound to happen. In fact thats pretty much the way it is across all the most team based esports where there are some very dominate teams and pretty much no one else can touch them.

I feel like there needs to be more teams in general. Sure some people think we need less but they don’t realize this is like a 25 week schedule which to me is pretty ridiculous. I mean are there any other esports leagues that draw it out that long?

With OWL going on right now, there are a lot of dumb widow makers coming out of the wood work.

My first immediate thought was people will not enjoy watching it on there. If you have ever watched any live games on Facebook your well aware of the horrible stream quality and buffering issues that make it impossible to watch anything.

Yeah I would prefer they just increase grenade damage rather than make it push people though. Or maybe just decrease the push force. Throwing people up a set of stairs through the air 15 feet is just ridiculous.

View count dwindling? He was having the highest concurrent viewers ever right before he left. Since then, the person who was competing with him the most for views on PUBG was Shroud who has seen upwards of 65k viewers on just an average day.

They post articles that get far less attention than this one all the time. Seeing as the Doc was one of the top like 5 streamers on Twitch has announced his comeback, it seems like it is news worthy to me.

I realize to most people that being unfaithful pretty much always means cheating but that isn’t always the case. Not a very good publicity stunt though as I am sure he has lost the majority of his subs from it. Sure a lot will come back but still.